Captain Marvel Likes'em THICC

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scrapnoid · 8

Leadership decks typically swarm cheap allies or empowering a couple of high cost allies. Rich heroes can do both! They can swarm thick, beefy allies with attachments that stay around a while. Rich heroes are heroes that come with signature cards that have 2-3 resources like Black Panther and all his Vibranium and Captain Marvel with her Energy Absorption.

Goal: Swarm the board with thick, beefy Avengers allies with attachments. Captain Marvel can afford it almost every turn with Energy Absorption, the 3 double resource cards, and a set of Make the Call for those off occasions you have no ally in hand. Avengers Tower and The Triskelion will let you expand your board. In the late game you sometime find yourself with big money in hand and a full board; but that's ok because Hawkeye and Energy Channel can turn cash it into damage.

Deck size: 40-card purists stop clasping your pearls and pretending to faint. So much of your deck is on the table you won't notice those extra 3 cards. If you must remove some, I'd take away a Sky Cycle, Inspiring Presence, and Lead from the Front.

Fun Changes: You can easily throw out Lead from the Front in favor of Avengers Assemble! and swap Inspiring Presence for Strength In Numbers. I chose not to because it pushed the cost curve really high and these allies are so beefy they felt better exhausted to get work done instead of a card draw engine.