Black Widow "Pardon the Interruption"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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RTimMorris · 222

Lots of good defensive triggers. I played solo against Green Goblin Mutagen Formula and barely took a hit. But I've also found she might be better suited for multiplayer, since she's a beast at defending, but not pulling off many basic ATK or THW actions.

Still playing around with card count.

Maybe add Tenacity to help ready?


Oct 02, 2020 Novawyrm · 167

Personally, I like Iron Fist over Nova just because of the stun. But I play a similar deck multiplayer so stunning when my partner is player one is a free defend for them and Black Widow can fend for herself. Personally I'd throw a second Armored Vest in, getting her base DEF to 3 or 4 if you have Synth-Suit as quickly as possible is nice! Maybe in place of one Indomitable if you want to keep the card count low. Black Widow can ready herself with Synth-Suit as well.

This is what I run.

Oct 02, 2020 RTimMorris · 222

Thanks! I do like your build ideas/suggestions. Maybe I'll keep tweaking. I typically try to build 40-card decks, to help with consistency. How do you find having 50?

Oct 02, 2020 Novawyrm · 167

I LOVE having 50 cards. The way I look at it I have some cards that are part of my kit that once out won't be going back into my deck. Plus having a bit of fill allows me to buy the cards I really want with out discarding something I rather not. When I play my Black Widow by my first play thru the deck I want these cards in play: Synth-Suit, Armored Vest, Endurance, Down Time, Unflappable, at least 1 Energy Barrier, and both Black Widow's Gauntlets. That is minimum of 8 cards that won't be back into the deck after a shuffle. More likely 10-13 cards with some preparation cards, Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier and Helicarrier. With 50 cards my first shuffle deck contains 33 (low end) to 42 cards. So I can estimate that is 6-7 turns until my next shuffle/extra encounter card. With only 40 cards I'll use your deck: I'd want out in play min 8 cards, max ~13. So you would only have 27 - 32 cards left. That is 5-6 turns. So having the extra cards pushes that extra encounter card farther away. I do have turns when I don't have anything "great" to play. But I rarely have to use an AMAZING card as a resource. Those extra cards makes getting rid of Villain attachments less painful as well. Some decks you need to cycle your deck fast to get those build critical cards faster. I've found that Protection Black Widow doesn't need to cycle fast due to multiple copies of her nice cards.

Oct 02, 2020 RTimMorris · 222

All your thoughts are worth considering. Thank you for helping me out with this! I've been playing the game since its inception, though I don't own the cards (a friend of mine does) and we typically only manage to get a good game night in once every 2 weeks. So I've definitely NOT have as much time to explore Marvel Champions as I would like to. I'd played BW multiplayer twice so far and had miserable experiences, so I wanted to really delve in to her further. So far, my favourite characters to play have been Strange, Black Panther, and Spider-Woman (LOVE Spider-Woman!). Your input helps a lot.

Oct 02, 2020 Novawyrm · 167

No problem I like chatting game theory. I really like my Black Widow Protection Deck. I've taken her thru the first three villains on expert with little issue. Once she has her kit down it is AWESOME to block an attack of 10, take zero damage and deal 3-4 damage back with the electro barriers and her damage for every preparation card you used, then draw a card and ready BW. I played her with Black Panther/Aggression (game went poorly but BP did less than nothing) Teamed with Iron Man/Leadership they took out all villains on expert. Keeping the scheme low on threat is not her strong point, so pair her with someone who can handle threat. (That was Black Panther/Aggression's issue)

Oct 02, 2020 Novawyrm · 167

My Favorites so far Top Tier: Capt. America, Dr. Strange, Iron Man Mid Tier: Black Widow, Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man Bottom Tier: Black Panther, Thor, She Hulk (I've found they need card luck to work and with bad luck they struggle...hard)