Every Hero Every Aspect Groot Aggression!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

journeyman2 · 23935

Deckbuilding and Gameplay!


Sep 18, 2024 corbintm · 1718

Let's go! Glad to see you're a groot believer now

Sep 19, 2024 Lifeburst · 26

Love Groot :) Love the interaction between Energy Spear and Direct Approach. I add may be Superpower Training.

Sep 19, 2024 Lifeburst · 26

Not playing Keep Them Busy in this deck is a mistake i think

Sep 19, 2024 journeyman2 · 23935

Thanks @corbintm & @Lifeburst!

The decision of which PSS to use is tough. I didn’t like how it felt at more than 2, because they are dead in hand, and Groot can have a lot of dead cards (0-counter events, upgrades, ally attachments). Against high pressure scenarios, we really don’t want to see multiple PSS in hand, so I tried to limit the PSS to 2.

Keep Up the Pressure is probably my favorite Aggression side scheme for any heroes with decent attack events. Groot loves getting a boosted Root Stomp or "I. AM. GROOT!"! It is instant economy and damage. Grabbing the latter is really nice because we only have 2x and don’t always draw them on turns we have high counters!

Specialized Training I like in any hero with a clean 5 threat removal, which Groot gets from "I am Groot" or Energy Spear+The Direct Approach. The latter is the key combo of the deck being showcased. I like the flexibility of getting Groot extra ATK or THW and more card draw. He has a ready in kit, so he can use those boosted stats!

In the video I discuss Lock and Load and Build Support. The former can get Energy Spear on an ally, but with 3x spear and it’s low cost, we don’t need it. The latter can get Fertile Ground or Boot Camp. This is the PSS I’d consider the most as an alternative. Fertile Ground is so key to Groot and Boot Camp is fairly expensive, so we have two great targets. I’m usually ok with waiting to get down Fertile in this deck though, because we are defending mostly to protect our counters and are getting to Fruition and Flora and Fauna quickly enough to restock in hero form. The cost curve is also fairly reasonable that we can afford Boot Camp, but it isn’t a priority over Energy Spear. I do like when a multiplayer partner runs this PSS though!

Superpower Training isn’t that great, just because our upgrades are all free with Deft Focus. Nice to have someone else run in multiplayer, but not critical for us to run ourselves!

As for Keep Them Busy, it doesn’t really combo with The Direct Approach (though it does with Energy Spear)! We also do a fairly good job of clearing the main each round, particularly if we can get a big "I am Groot" or Entangling Vines+Surveillance Specialist. Keeping Rocket Raccoon alive all game with First Aid also keeps accessible main scheme thwarting on the table. It could tech into multiplayer scenarios where running an extra PSS shouldn’t punish us too much. When PSS limit is a thing though, I’d rather sit on Specialized Training with The Direct Approach and work it down with a higher payoff or leave Keep Up the Pressure out until we need to answer a big minion or burst the villain down!

Sep 19, 2024 corbintm · 1718

@journeyman2 love when you accidentally have more text in a response to a comment over the original writeup lmao

Sep 20, 2024 Lifeburst · 26

Thanks for your feed back @journeyman2

I forgot the bouton like ! It's done now :)

Sep 21, 2024 dr00 · 43744

the ents march to war

Sep 21, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 512


Sep 21, 2024 andyr · 6670

I struggle with Groot Aggression, so it was super nice to play a deck that finally made groot feel good in Aggression and get to branch smack some people

Sep 21, 2024 journeyman2 · 23935

@andyr Same! Having a unique deck built for every hero+aspect pairing turns up some pearls when you look hard enough!

@dr00 That would be an amazing Groot deck theme!! Especially for Aggression

@Castlefrank47 I’m sure the feeling is mutual!

@Lifeburst Engaging comments like yours are even better to me!