Breaking the Villains' Face, the Bank and the 4th Wall

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RitsyReelz · 19

A She-Hulk deck based on my four favorite characters back when I first got into comics. She-Hulk, Venom, Deadpool and Bob, Agent of Hydra (Also! Weasel persona WHEN?). I really wanted a She-Hulk deck to work without going the Justice Route (as if I did, I'd want more attorney cards or alter-ego cards), the Leadership ally Avenger focus route or the protection Repurpose route (Though I did use resets a lot... If you wish to sue me, please consult the Superhuman Law Division ). Nor did I want to go full aggression 'Kill the Villain in Three Turns'. (Uber picky, ain't I?).

So! This is my mangled uhhh WiP. So far it has under its' belt only Expert Klaw and Expert Ronan the Accuser (both with a 2/3 Win-Rate). However there is a clunkiness to it and I am uncertain what I can add to it or remove. That may just be inherit to this kind of deck though.

Its' key game plan is to get set up with a infinite value ally like Deadpool/Bob/Hellcat to help mitigate threat alongside Jennifer's Objection. Also utilizing burst with Professor X and Nick Fury then sacrificing them using 'Not My Responsibility' for truly thwarty turns. (Jen has to get some time to fill out the copious amounts of paper work she is BURIED under).

Venom is there for early value, solid damage and for his ability to counter Dreadpool who he can instantly force to flip back down each time he shows his 'The Ultimate Solution is to Kill Everybody' ridiculous self.

As much resource cards utilized as possible to help build up She-Hulks turns, taking advantage of her powerful recovery score (to keep her Self Confidence up) and allies she isn't sad to see go away. (Really, after Professor X is used as a blocker SHE has to read his will, that's canon).

Afterall of this set up, use Cutupper with Superhuman Strength and the resets of Limitless Stamina/Stick-To-Itiveness/One-Two Punch and a Gamma Slam to put the villain out for good. Though if need be can go for the slow and steady route.