Fireworks ft Jarnbjorn

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

stilonxy · 5759

Another day another Jubilee deck... =)

Edit: cut Energy and Strength and add two copies of The Power in All of Us.

The idea

Even tho you rarely if ever want to basic attack with Jubilee, Jarnbjorn works wonders for her. With the use of Jubilee's Sunglasses you can squeeze out at least two uses of Jarnbjorn once every round as long as you have an attack event in hand. Add a lot of ways to draw cards and a solid number of attack events (12) and you'll see the value of Jarnbjorn skyrocket. Now, while the value from Jarnbjorn doesn't come from it's cost, it's main strength is the reliable damage output, something that Jubilee is desperately in need of. Her other weakness is of course her poor survivability, hence, a healthy amount of allies and control cards is to her advantage.

Thoughts and considerations

I guess you've figured it out by now that Jarnbjorn and Jubilee's Sunglasses are key cards for this deck. Be on the lookout for these when you mulligan.

For this simple reason you could argue that Lock and Load and Superpower Training should be included. However, this is not a rush deck, it's a control deck, and your main weakness is thwarting. Build Support will add a lot more value with The X-Jet. Not only is it more expensive, but it's also crucial to have another wild resource on demand. If you still wanna include either Lock and Load and/or Superpower Training I'd start by cutting Angel. This could be useful in a discard heavy encounter.

Despite the fairly low number of physical resources, we have plenty of ways to pay for Jarnbjorn. A lot of wild resources, plus on demand wild resources and two copies of Enhanced Physique. Add another Enhanced Physique by cutting Angel if you want to.

Okay, now I'd like to adress the two elephants in the room: Drop Kick and Nick Fury. Let's start with the former.

  • Drop Kick doesn't synergize with Jubilee's Sunglasses. You give up 2 damage for control and card draw which is a really good trade off. And the cool thing is, if you find yourself in a position where 2 more damage is exactly what you need to finish off a big minion or the villain, simply pay for Drop Kick with 3 different resources which makes it a fairly versatile card.

  • Nick Fury doesn't synergize with Utopia. That doesn't mean it's useless. A lot of your allies won't stick on the board, and the value you get from drawing cards in this deck is simply too good to overlook.

Speaking of Utopia, it's only real value come from the fact that you get another wild resource when you trigger it. Jolly good, especially for this deck.

I think the rest of this deck is pretty self explanatory.

I hope I haven't overlooked something this time (apart from forgetting to upload the version with -Energy-Strength+2*The Power in All of Us) :'D



Aug 08, 2024 ZenZangetsu92 · 1

Big thumbs up for this deck!

I played this and my partner played Spider-Man Justice through the Mutant Genesis Campaign. Honestly had a blast with this deck. Thank you!!