Paradise C.I.T.T.y

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
m.A.A.d. C.I.T.T.y 14 10 1 1.0
Brand New C.I.T.T.y 3 3 0 1.0

corbintm · 1781

Resource Management

Bishop's most interesting hook to me is how he opens up some very inefficient plays. You need something to spend all of those resources on, so a card like Lockjaw that doesn't see play very often becomes something to do with all those extra resources so you're not wasting a whole hand.

The only problem is I don't particularly like Lockjaw.

  • He's not operating as a chump blocker
  • His traits aren't useful
  • You have to strategically place him so he's not in the discard when you deck out

All of this just ends up with a sequencing puzzle I don't enjoy. I'd rather have other resource dumps.

Guarding the Guardians

Something I haven't seen anyone do is pair Bishop with a card typically reserved only for Guardian heroes, C.I.T.T.. This card is not trait locked with a play restriction, so there's no putting into play shenanigans going on.

C.I.T.T. offers a constant on-board resource dump, can be triggered with The Power in All of Us and can allow you to ready some powerful Guardian allies across aspects.

I'm patenting this idea. Over the next few weeks, I'll be releasing Bishop decks centered around this card.

The general idea here will be pretty similar, with modifications depending on the ally targets themselves and the aspect's strengths.

  • Trigger Energy Absorption sparingly early game and use blockers as necessary to get key setup pieces on the board
  • Build Support helps C.I.T.T. get into play if you mill past it
  • Honorary X-Men gives our targets of choice the X-Men trait
  • Forge helps us to get out Utopia and X-Mansion
  • Alter-Ego access lets us use X-Mansion to heal our newly crowned X-Men/Guardian allies. Triage helps here too
  • All of the X-Men allies will be chosen to provide strong enter play abilities to cycle through and trigger Utopia
  • Our Guardian allies will be chosen to mostly stay on the board as C.I.T.T. targets
  • Mockingbird will be here to help combat scenarios where you need to stop activations that trigger adverse effects

Have a different favorite color? Here are links to the other builds (In-progress):

  • Visit the m.A.A.d. C.I.T.T.y for an aggression build focused on speed and strong ally upgrades
  • Visit a Brand New C.I.T.T.y for a protection build all around lots of card draw and taking attacks
  • Leadership - coming soon!

Paradise C.I.T.T.y

Our Bishop justice build is centered around two primary Guardian targets:

Jack Flag is an ally that's always hard to justify. He slows down the tempo of the game, offering 2 damage by using an ammo counter that you got from thwarting. You're normally better off just playing a 2THW/2ATK ally.

  • With C.I.T.T., you've got a guaranteed way to thwart for 2 and use his ammo counter every turn! This 2 damage he does from using ammo is not an attack so you never have to worry about retaliate. He doesn't take consequential from this either. Can't deal damage to an enemy? You can always use his thwart again to build up more ammo counters, then use both of those next turn!

Venom is a bit of a strange card, offering some strong damage and thwart with a very difficult conditional to reach: no threat on the main scheme. With all of the confuse in this deck and a lack of a focus on side schemes, we can hit this conditional regularly.

  • C.I.T.T. can help us capitalize on this conditional being met by letting him attack or thwart twice, taking as little consequential damage as possible!

We also have two secondary targets that are useful but we'd rather cycle these than keep them on the board.

Wraith is great tech for standard 3 and all of the difficult scenarios with a lot of boost abilities. He's not always the most useful.

  • C.I.T.T. can let him attack for 3 twice. If we did use his ability, we can ready him up and defeat him. Definitely not the primary target here but still useful in certain situations!

Quasar is great tech for scheme heavy scenarios, offering 1 threat off of each scheme and a solid 2 ATK stat. With his enter play ability being so strong, we don't want him staying on the board.

  • C.I.T.T. can help him ready up to defeat him faster. Of course you could use him as a chump blocker, but then you're not triggering Energy Absorption!

Staying Golden

Our justice-specific aspect cards are pretty minimal here.

  • Dazzler will let us trigger Utopia and offer a confuse for alter-ego access. She's better than Professor X because she has well-rounded stats and won't have to leave play at the end of a round

  • Concussive Blow has fallen out of favor as we've received stronger confuse cards. With Stored Energy and a solid focus on resources generally, you can always make the most out of this and trigger the secondary effect

  • Under Surveillance is going to help for those scenarios where you just need a little bit more leeway when flipping down to alter-ego and setting up.

With a lot of focus on alter-ego access, I'd recommend the following swaps for stalwart scenarios, as this will help with alter-ego access:

Thanks for checking it out!


Jun 22, 2024 journeyman2 · 24910

Really unique idea here! Great name. CITT is a great sink when you have strong allies and this just feels so good

Jun 22, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 681

I was just looking to try and make a deck with Venom or wraith since they're under utilized but now I don't have to. Really excited to give this a shot

Jun 22, 2024 boomguy · 774

Love this deck, like all your others! Definitely going to try this one soon.

Jun 22, 2024 boomguy · 774

Say, with all these Guardians….did you consider Build Support for Knowhere?

Jun 22, 2024 corbintm · 1781

@boomguy Thanks for the kind words!

Considered Knowhere for sure! Few issues:

  • Not a huge fan of trait cheating generally
  • Most Guardian allies benefit from staying on the board so this can whiff/not have much impact
  • Energy Absorption can end up milling through so much that I'd rather use Build Support for a higher priority support card

You could put it in if you like but not sure how much difference it'll make

Jun 23, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5459

Really cool use of CITT and quite the eclectic cast of characters!

Curious if you ever attempted Chance Encounter? I love that card, probably a little too much haha, and it would seem like a great psuedo resource sink AND a way to bring those enter play effect allies back to hand. Probably not as great solo but maybe in higher player counts it would be great!

Jun 23, 2024 corbintm · 1781

@Man-is-Obsolete I did!

Ultimately it did end up getting cut. I wanted to include multiple copies in case I milled past it and then that led to including One Way or Another so I had more targets. It quickly ended up turning into a different deck! I was already tight enough on space with the X-men Utopia combo with the Guardians.

I ended up deciding it was a better option to just mulligan hard for a target and focus on alter-ego access so I was less likely to mill those important targets. You may end up trying something differently to some solid success!

Jun 23, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5459

Yea I could see the deck ballooning at that point. If I do try it in multiplayer I will let you know how it goes!

Jun 28, 2024 tjjj · 245

I was gonna like but then I saw it doesn't have owoa