Ultron's Worst Nightmare

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Daring Lime · 1576

Gameplay Videos

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Control The Drones

This deck is all about controlling Ultron's drones. If you don't clear all of his drones, then it can be overwhelming. Squirrel Girl and Hawkeye are great at defeating them. Hawkeye controls the drones as they come out, and if there are too many, then Squirrel Girl can wipe them out for the entire board!

The only thing that can go wrong is if you can't get them at the right time. But this deck fixes that! Squirrel Girl and Hawkeye are the only Avenger allies in this deck. So Call for Aid essentially reads "Add Squirrel Girl or Hawkeye to your hand." This allows you to get them out of your deck early.

You might be wondering, "if I use them at the beginning, then I won't have them later when I need them." That's why there are 3 copies of Make the Call and Rapid Response in this deck. Meaning that once they are in your discard pile, safe from becoming drones, you have them whenever you need them.

Other Notable Cards

Other notable features of this deck are Nick Fury and Sunspot. Sunspot allows you to deal damage to the villain and each minion engaged with a player equal to the amount of energy resources you used to pay for him. This can clear the board of drones even when 2 copies of Upgraded Drones are in play! It is easy to get the energy resources because you have Quincarrier and Solar Gem generating wild resources for you.

Nick Fury is one of the best targets for Rapid Response, allowing him to block twice and draw 3 cards during the villain phase.

Vision's Role

Vision counters Ultron inherently because you can go into intangible and ignore the drones. Since this is a leadership deck, you can block Ultron's attack with an ally, then reduce all the damage you would take from drones no matter how many there are!

All of this combined makes for a perfect matchup against Ultron. Let me know how your games go!


Jun 22, 2024 boomguy · 758

Glad to see Vision getting some love!

Jun 23, 2024 Daring Lime · 1576

@boomguy Vision is one of my favorites, he is fun to play and really strong. Don't know why I don't see more people playing him!