Full-Body Workout

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Wolverine per campagna genesi 0 0 0 1.0
Wolverine per campagna genesi 0 0 0 2.0

Stretch22 · 507

Age of Apocalypse packed a ton of goodies for Aggression, and Wolverine is perhaps the best suited to take advantage. This deck is preferably a multiplayer deck due to the payoffs for killing minions, but it can function in solo thanks to the confuse effects among the allies and the sheer speed in which Wolverine can race down the villain.

~~ New cards: ~~
Goldballs, Tempus, Full-Body Charge, Blood Rage, Test the Defense, Triage

~~ The core: ~~

2x Fluid Motion - a staple of Wolverine decks since he came out. To get the most value out of the Claws, you want to play an attack event every turn, so Fluid motion almost never goes unused.

1x Blood Rage - a new value generator for heroes that like to use their basic attack. The focus for Wolverine is usually his Attack events, but this gives us a new angle to build around.

1x Hall of Heroes - the OG Blood Rage. It is better because we can trigger it by killing minions with any attack, not just our basic attack, but we have to delay the payoff until 3 counters are stored.

2x Hand Cannon - to help enable Blood Rage, the Cannon works wonders to finish off minions without using our damage inefficiently.

1x Utopia - Since we desire to make a basic attack every turn, Utopia helps us fight through a stun or sneak in some thwarts with extra hero activations. In the ideal case, we get to use the Fluid Motion buff twice for terrific value.

~~ The support: ~~

7x X-Men allies - Utopia is such a strong card for the deck that there's massive cost to playing any non X-Men allies. I'm excited about the new Goldballs ally, who hits like a truck, and Triage, who can give him great long-term value or heal Wolverine to continue using the Claws. Tempus is another new card that provides insurance for the late game by interrupting a surprise Advance or blocking a surprise attack.

1x Test the Defense - another new card that has a great home with Wolverine, the king of Attack events. If it wasn't limited to one in a play at a time, I'd be highly inclined to play more.

3x Full-Body Charge - the new card that truly made me want to make this deck. While slightly inefficient by normal standards, Wolverine's Claws makes this a slam dunk. The burst potential to rush down the villain out of nowhere was already a big part of Wolverine's appeal, and the Charge pushes that even further.

~~ Adaptations: ~~

Minion-light scenarios / Solo

-1x Hall of Heroes, -1x Blood Rage
+1x X-Gene, +1x Weapon X

Steady/Stalwart villains

-1x Psylocke
+1x Colossus

Optional Godslayer package

-1x Hand Cannon, -1x Fluid Motion
+1x Godslayer, +1x Lock and Load

Some scenarios with tons of uniquely named minions are great fits for Godslayer. Especially if you play with any of the modular sets such as the Inheritors, Reavers, or Acolytes, that come with 5+ unique minions.

~~ Tips: ~~

  • Adamantium Skeleton is a huge priority to play early in addition to the core cards mentioned above.
  • You don't need to add the 5th counter to Test the Defense as soon as you can. Remember it is a Response and not a Forced Response. Save it for a big minion or when you are ready rush down the villain.
  • Clobber counts neatly for two attacks in one card thanks to its ability, helping you use both Fluid Motion in a turn or speeding up Test the Defense.