Rogue = The Biggest Booms [Aggression]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RTimMorris · 230

Boom Boom. Time Bomb. Meltdown. Boomer. Tabitha Smith has gone through a few name changes in her time with the X, but she’s remained consistent with 1 thing: stuff will always go Boom. The Boom Boom Ally introduced in the X-23 expansion has a very abusable Action: Exhaust-> place a bomb counter. Remove all bomb counters -> deal that much damage to EVERY enemy. So add enough bomb counters and we can deal with pretty much anything, right? For this deck to work best, team your Aggression hero up with a Leadership hero, and keep digging for those Get Ready's. Maybe some Make the Call's to get Boomer back after she blows stuff up? I like Rogue Aggression, since she can make use of Superpower Adaptation to play her teammate's Leadership events, but we can also drop an Honorary X-Men on Boom Boom, along with an Attack Training, in order to get more readies via Game Time and Professor X. This thing is gonna go Boom. Hard. Sure, maybe you don't need more than 3 or 4 counters to deal with most minions, but maybe you find yourself up against some really annoying threats, like a Dragon or the Wrecking Crew, or even Hela's boyfriend, Skurge. Blow em up, real good. And the Villain will never say no to double-digit damage, will they? Well, it's hard to hear them with all the 'splodeys going off. This build also has a Wolverine ally you can beef up, with some First Aid cards to keep him going.