A Small But Mighty Plan

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tano Games · 3112

I revisited Wasp over the past week and stumbled onto a pretty neat little build that works with her due to Nadia's alter-ego ability.

PLEASE NOTE: There are 46 cards in this deck because there isn't a sideboard function on the site, and I just wanted to show the various allies I used over my run in the Mad Titan's Shadow campaign. Take the ally list and cut back as you wish, and as the scenario dictates. Yes, I know there are 46 cards. No I don't play all 46 listed here.

Plan the Mission

Wasp has an incredible alter-ego ability, so this deck includes a lot of cards with printed mental resources. I always want to get my board set up for the first few turns, sacrificing a little forward momentum if necessary. This means mulligan for card draw and supports. I prioritize Avengers Mansion, Avengers Tower, or drawing allies like Maria Hill, Ironheart, Nick Fury, and Moon Girl.

Toss those Wasp events to make sure you get home base up and running. Also, I don't care much at all for the Wasp upgrades until later in the game.

Once you get things set up, you can throw down your Avengers allies, execute the mission, get those stat buffs, and not take consequential damage!

I put Honorary Avenger on Wasp, since you flip to her AE quite a bit. She won't turn off your Mighty Avengers and Tower bonuses when she needs to flip down to shuffle cards into her deck.

(Also, in my campaign, I put the Honorary on King Odin vs Loki so he could get the stat buffs!)

Assemble the A-Team

The non-negotiable allies for this deck are Black Panther and Hank Pym Ant-Man. Black Panther enables your team in the field to carry out its mission safely. You don't need him from turn 1, so feel free to mulligan him, since you can shuffle him back into your deck with G.I.R.L.

Ant-Man is cheap, and lets you play Swarm Tactics more easily. But, you can later dump 4 resources into him so he can have a lot of HP and stick around to do a lot of actions before you chump block him away.

This deck focuses on Avengers, since you want to use Mighty Avengers and Avengers Tower to build a wide board for stat buffs and Avengers Assemble! late game. So, the primary team would be other Avenger allies who preferably have the mental resource so you can recall them.

Execute the Mission

Once you get setup, especially if you have 2-3 other allies in play, Call for Backup is the scheme you want to complete, grab Black Panther, grab Mission Planning from your discard pile, and then, go to town with your allies not taking consequential damage!

It's not a combo you're trying to guarantee as quickly as possible. Play the long game, bide your time until T'Challa can drop in and enable the combo to push through! Multiple times in my MTS campaign I was able to smash this combo with Mighty Avengers, and Avengers Assemble to inflict 15-20 damage or wipe out threats in a single turn. You also have the flexibility to get Black Panther into play and attach Avengers Assemble to him, or Inspiring Presence!

Use Rapid Response after you play Black Panther's event to bring him back and stack the event again.

Turns like these where I really have the thrill that Leadership offers in seeing your whole Avengers team fighting together!

The Backup Team

As I said in the beginning, there are many allies here, and I just wanted to represent all of the cast I rotated in and out in my campaign as needed. Obviously, allies like Nick, Maria, Moon Girl, and Ironheart won't allow you to get the benefits of Tower or Mighty Avengers, so in many games, I didn't include them! White Tiger is a great card for Expert, since you can play her for only 2-resources if Tower is in play, and she draws you 2-3 cards. (I played her until Hela, when I subbed her out because Hela doesn't have stage numbers.)

Moon Girl is kind of easy mode for Wasp, like playing Professor X loop; same for Nick. But, since they turn off Mighty Avengers, and also want to be in-and-out of play, I sacrifice them to the B-team.

The allies I prioritize are:

  • Ant- Man
  • Black Panther
  • Squirrel Girl
  • War Machine
  • White Tiger

But you have plenty of options! Vivian is great for matchup-dependent scenarios where blanking some terrible cards is really beneficial.

Anyway, I've had tons of fun with this deck, and I don't see Mission Planning being discussed or built around much. So, it felt kind of fresh!


Jan 15, 2024 dr00 · 43547

sideboard when

i really appreciate you going up to 46 cards to explain the variation of builds. i think that's a really clever idea until we get sideboard options. Black Knight for example is really clutch when the scenario calls for it, but he's kinda expensive for what he is when there's no tough enemies

it was really fun experiencing your journey with Wasp. what aspect is next?

Jan 15, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5111

Wasp-surgence! Agree on side board and this is a cool way to tackle it for now.

Jan 19, 2024 VJakson · 23

A place for mission training is fantastic!