Vision Intangible Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Alatreon · 97

Note: Remove Shatterstar if playing solo

How this deck works:

Stay in Intangible form tanking minions as long as possible, while thwarting with your basic action and hero events. Once you got Solar Gem out, you can easily deal with minions with Bombs Away as it is not an attack and isn't prevented by Intangible. You can also exhaust Wasp or Hope Summers (the latter only if you are aerial yourself).

Shatterstar basically gives you Get Over Here! that you can use whenever you need it (like what Command Team is to Get Ready) and till the end of the match as long as you keep him healthy with the First Aids! If you're playing solo, feel free to replace him with Boom Boom for your AoE needs.

Boot Camp makes your valuable allies even more valuable. Vivian (dense form) and Wasp reach 4 ATK each and you can easily give uses to the latter with your resource generators.

Hope is a valuable ally stat-wise and also helps you get any superpower you need at the moment.

Use Honorary Avenger to boost Vivian's HP so you can use First Aid on her without any waste. If she already has it, feel free to use it on any ally you'd like to keep in play longer.

Soaring Acrobatics helps you, Wasp or Hope get that one more thwart or damage in when needed for a minion or a side-scheme.

Other considerations:

-Hall of Heroes - skipped because only Bombs Away would count as "you" for the purpose of obtaining counters, making it too niche unless in really minion-heavy scenarios

-Tac Team - its biggest advantage is that it's very self-contained, not depending on allies or keeping its HP up, but doesn't stand up to cost efficiency test when compared to Rictor