Spider-Woman Floats Upside Down

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Telcontar · 430

There are plenty of Float Like a Butterfly decks around with the new heroes, Psylocke especially, but as always every new release means Spider-Woman can do something new. Her in-kit confuses coupled with her ability to run Justice and Leadership at the same time means we can easily Confuse enemies for Float, and run and buff a selection of allies to take advantage of the extra damage.

Our suite of allies all compliment the build - Professor X and Dazzler for confuses, Cypher and Maria Hill for a little card draw, Spider-Man and Vision for their punchy stat lines once you're set up. Wolfsbane works neatly with Jessica's alter ego ability.

Upside the Head comes in for more confuse and extra stun - almost like a conditional Pheromones. We can buff our allies with Reinforced Suit, Leadership Skill, and Effective Leadership and then ready them for more Float damage with Get Ready.