Iron Man Justice - Side Scheme Destroyer

Card draw simulator

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Iron Man Give me 3 turns (justice) 70 48 1 1.0
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RicoA87 · 1

Iron Man Justice vs Doctor Strange Protection vs Klaw Expert with Legions of Hydra

Key Mulligan Cards: Stark Tower, Pepper Potts and any one of his tech cards - Arc Reactor, Mark V Armor, Mark V Helmet, Powered Gauntlets or Rocket Boots

If you've been playing for a while then you know that the key to Iron Man is building the suit as soon as you can. Pulling Stark Tower will allow you use your tech upgrades as resources to play stuff onto the board and then pull them back into your hand from the discard pile. Pepper Potts will allow you to generate resources to get your tech on the board and then use it to get yourself into Aerial mode later on.

While building the suit, any side schemes that come into play, throw a Followed on them to get an added benefit of dealing damage when you are able to remove them from the board.

Once you are in Iron Man mode, you can now use Supersonic Punch with the added benefit of going Aerial. Repulsor Blast will have a good effect since your deck has been thinned out and the deck comes with 18 cards.