Ms. Marvel V Venom GoblinFor GetUpandGame!PerfectMatchup

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Aoshi312 · 1295

Hi welcome to the forty second and penultimate in a series of decks I plan to build directly influenced by the amazing Get Up and Game! Perfect Match-Up series found here: Please check out the channel and the video since I thought it was an amazing gift to the community and it inspired me to start playing Champions more regularly.

My goal with this series is to create a unique deck inspired by each challenge match-up in the video using all the suggested cards plus some of my own to create a deck that any player can use to check out the challenge. If you’re missing some cards from a deck please ask in the comments and I’ll do my best to find replacements from your collection so that you can have fun too! Hopefully I can build a deck that can beat the villain on both standard and expert. I’ll try to document any tweaks I made while playing the deck too.

I'll be honest I've never understood the Ms. Marvel Hype. I neither loves playing her or hated playing her until now. Facing off against one of the toughest villains in the game with Venom Goblin... I am now completely team Kamala! Wow is she amazing! The crazy combos I pulled off during this match up are some of the best all time! Not only did I get resounding wins on Standard and both games of Expert, I faced down her nemesis in all three games as well!

The core idea of the deck is simple: Use and recur cheap thwarting events to manage the threat on all three main schemes and control the board so that you can toss many rounds of Big Hands right in Goblins face.

Ms. Marvel more than almost any other hero, benefits from her personas. Her favorite of mine is Aamir Khan. He gives you card draw AND lets you place cards on the bottom of your deck! This is just incredibly versatile and fun as you see your plans from 3 turns ago pay off! In this fight he also has one hugely important purpose. It is very tough for this deck to remove Goblin's Glider from him. You need attack events that total a cost of 3! Kamala's Big Hands only cost 2 each and her Turn the Tide is great for playing(0 cost) but unhelpful here. The best way to get rid of it is to use Aamir to put copies of Big Hands on the bottom of your deck so that you're guaranteed to have two copies in hand.

My second favorite is Nakia Bahadir allowing you to reduce the cost of a card each round where you're in alter-ego. This is a great way to pay less for allies. When Kamala flips down she can use her action to find a Ms. Marvel card and Aamir to draw a card. That means she can flip down and play a 3 cost ally with these two personas out. If you gather those cards after flipping down and can't play them, then you can have Bruno Carrelli hold onto them to increase your hand size even further in a later round! You could also give him a copy of Big Hands so that you can gather two copies for the glider.

Kamala's tricks aren't done yet! She has Deft Focus to help pay for her super powers including Embiggen! and Shrink. She also has Biokinetic Polymer Suit and Sense of Justice to guarantee she gets the extra benefits from Multitasking.

A standard Kamala turn will look like this. She flips down and either plays some upgrades or an ally. Venom Goblin fills his schemes with threat. Kamala then places a card on the bottom of her deck and draws a card with Aamir Khan, uses Nakia Bahadir to get a discount on her next card play and hopefully has given Bruno Carrelli a card or two on the previous rounds. She can then use her action to gain another card so she will flip up with 8 cards in hand and a discount on the first card played. If shes low on health she could also recover before flipping up and even ready with Ready to Rumble. Now that she's in hero form she can use Champions Mobile Bunker to find all the cards she wants to play this turn. She can toss a copy or two of Overwatch out and then she can play Multitasking using Sense of Justice and Shrink to clear 4 threat off multiple schemes bouncing even more threat off with Overwatch. If she clears at least one she can drop Turn the Tide to hit minions or the villain. Then she can use Big Hands with Embiggen! paid for with Deft Focus and Biokinetic Polymer Suit! All of this will happen often since you can control whats coming into her deck. A lot of threat on the board? Exhaust her and pull back Multitasking. Need to deal lots of damage? Pull back Big Hands or Turn the Tide instead!

All that being said, this is still a tough fight. You have to think and plan, knowing when to focus on minions and when to focus on the threat. She can take a few turns to get fully set up so you really need to be patient and flip down every other round. Now that you can only play "Go for Champions!" once per game, you're going to want to pop it down ideally right when you flip the villain and gain a large amount of extra encounter cards. You'll have a much better time if you're in hero from and can tank all the hits than if you're in Alter-ego and accidentally allow Goblin to finish you off with multiple scheming activations.

This was absolutely one of my favorite match-ups and I cant wait to bring Ms. Marvel to table again real soon! She's everything good about this game in one complete package.