Quicksilver to the rescue!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

weatherman · 25

This deck is mainly to play in multiplayer. Might need to tweak here and there for solo (Never tested).


You are not the MVP in this build, but your teammate will feel your presence.

The main idea of this deck is to provide morale and backbone support so your team can complete their preparation to survive on their own

After they have done, you get ready to give the villain your final blow before your rest and let your teammate finish the game.

How to play

Keep in mind - You are pure support, thus your build to support the game prior to building up your final blow.

Mulligan - Hyper Perception > Heroic Intuition > Accelerated Reflex > Friction Resistance

Early game - Just focus on THW, if you get Accelerated Reflex then don't shy about defending your teammates as well from the minion's ATK. Ready back with Always Be Running, then do your job to make sure the scheme is as low as possible.

Mid-game - By this time you should be at least a few upgrades/support on the board. Give the Helicarrier discount to your teammates if possible, combine Friction Resistance with Quincarrier and 1 more card of your choice to remove any bad attachment on the villain and make sure everything is under control. Whats up with the 4 extra allies on the list = More thwarting power/chump blocker when needed.

Late game - By this time usually the villain phase 1 is already at low health and maybe has 2 if not 3 acceleration tokens with them. Tell your teammate that you are ready, let them attack the villain to change to its 2nd phase then it's time to unleash hell. Maximum Velocity + 3 Adrenaline Rush + 3 Tenacity and with some proper deck management in your alter ego form + Scarlet Witch you'll be able to draw 4 Always Be Running. You should able to deal 40-56 dmg on your turn and let your teammate finish the villain of > its GG.


I have played with Aggression and Leadership aspects and most of the time the damage dealt on the final blow is more than the villain's hit point (usually played with 3 people). As for Protection aspects, it is Super viable but sometimes I feel I didn't do enough. Especially if your teammate keeps getting screwed up with encounters. But with Justice, it didn't matter what was going on, you can always keep the pressure down by thwarting around 6 - 10 points per round.

It is my go-to character that I would take out from my deck case after a few losses from a certain villain.

Btw, I build the deck with what expansion that I currently have, there should be a better build out there, feel free to comment and give suggestions on what can be considered to make this build better.