Gambit v Spiral for GetUpandGame!PerfectMatchUp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Aoshi312 · 1295

Hi welcome to the nineteenth in a series of decks I plan to build directly influenced by the amazing Get Up and Game! Perfect Match-Up series found here: Please check out the channel and the video since I thought it was an amazing gift to the community and it inspired me to start playing Champions more regularly.

My goal with this series is to create a unique deck inspired by each challenge match-up in the video using all the suggested cards plus some of my own to create a deck that any player can use to check out the challenge. If you’re missing some cards from a deck please ask in the comments and I’ll do my best to find replacements from your collection so that you can have fun too! Hopefully I can build a deck that can beat the villain on both standard and expert. I’ll try to document any tweaks I made while playing the deck too.

The next match-up was especially interesting since it was the first time I played and built a deck for Gambit AND the first time I played against Spiral! I only recently received both of these packs. If you've played Gambit then you know there is a bit of a timing learning curve about using his charge counters and I have to admit I played pretty terribly in my first Standard game and lost! It was still close though and I knew if I had made some different decisions during the match I would have won. I followed this up with my first Standard win and then my first Expert win! Then I lost my second Expert game due to a turn two Shadow of the Past. Wow Gambit's nemesis set is no joke! Definitely don't want to pull it while you're in Hero mode. After that I finally got my second Expert win! Both Standard games used (Fantasy/Western/Crime). My first Expert game used (Fantasy/Horror/Crime) and my Expert loss and eventual second Expert win used (Sci-Fi/Western/Sitcom). I found this final combination to be the toughest.

Being that this was my first Gambit game and one of the first X-men decks I built in general, I really wanted to toss in a lot of toys from that synergy but I'm sure you could probably ignore a lot of that stuff and make an even better deck. That being said I'm still satisfied with the deck and it can definitely beat Spiral on Expert.

To that end I filled the deck with X-men supports including Moira MacTaggert since Gambit likes to flip, The X-Jet for resources and the X-Mansion which I mainly put in for synergy with X-Men Instruction and Mutant Education. It was really fun to bump my best allies and Gambit cards back into my deck. Deft Focus is there to help pay for Charged Card which you will play often with recycling them back into your deck.

My favorite ally in the deck is Wolverine. It was my first time using him and I love that his healing factor allows him to stay out the entire game. Psylocke and Professor X are very helpful to confuse Spiral since she schemes a lot. I try to get out Rogue as long as I dont have to pay much for her. Forge, Angel and Sunfire are mostly there for chumps since Spiral can attack at some very dangerous times including when you're in alter-ego!

I found that Gambit wants to flip often to take advantage of his Creole Charmer and his Thief Extraordinaire ability along with The Thieves Guild. Then its just a matter of stacking up on Drop Kick, Melee and Charged Card in order to find and quickly defeat Spiral before she disappears again!

There was definitely a bit of a learning curve with this match-up but I had a blast and I think Mojo-Mania may be the best villain pack we've gotten! Enjoy! See you next time!