Pacifist Vision (Combo Deck)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Forced justice 0 0 0 1.0

KennedyHawk · 17967

I participated in a challenge recently to make a deck using Even the Odds which seems like a really fun card but often isn't worth the payoff. Enter the Vision - where we can make a unique deck with justice cards that wins but NEVER ATTACKS.

The Mission: Use Vision's Intangible form to ignore minions and mot villain attacks while you focus on what Justice does best - thwarting! You'll be setting up a big combo and using all sources of non attack damage we can find in justice and basic cards.

The Set-Up: On your first deckpass you need to focus on setting up your big game winning combo.

The Combo:

  • Play Even the Odds to defeat 3+ side schemes and take all your damage to the villains face.
  • 3 damage from even the odds
  • 12 damage from 3 copies of Followed

Card Choices: Every card in this deck is here to help us complete the mission.

I hope you have fun with this combo deck and taking out the villain in a unique new way.


Apr 12, 2023 Frenky_fisher · 9

How does Passion for Justice works with Even the Odds??it is intuitive to increase 1 per plyr but u never know...if it does then it could be a serious consideration for the deck??