Go for Champions: Blue Edition™ | Leadership Rogue

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

esquiloclasta · 134

Blue version of another list I built. The goal of this deck is to attach Touched to a Champion ally and loop "Go for Champions!", one of the most broken cards in the game. Needless to say, this list works better in Multiplayer or 2-handed, but I did great with it in true Solo too. Plays quite similar to my other list tbh, so notes are pretty much the same.


  • You loop "Go for Champions!" by attaching Touched to one of your basic allies and then playing Superpower Adaptation. You'll also naturally thin your deck once you have enough allies and supports/upgrades out, so Pinpoint will help you consistently redraw it too.

  • This might look Resource-heavy, but that's only because the deck itself is quite Resource-hungry. Once you're fully setup your The Power in All of Us will mostly be used for replaying Basic allies, so it holds up well in the late-game. A single copy of Band Together since we don't have 1-drop allies like [Stinger] here and don't want it to clog up our hands. You could probably even cut it for a third copy of Strength In Numbers or a Helicarrier, honestly.

  • Mulligan aggressively for setup pieces. Your priority should be establishing sources of card/resource advantage like The X-Jet or Avengers Mansion. The Power in All of Us will help you pay for these early. Card draw is especially powerful as it allows you to find your combo pieces faster. We're running both Deft Focus and X-Gene, so you should be able to ramp and still do other things.

  • Obviously you need to survive to do all the good stuff this deck wants to do, so don't worry about chumping with your Champions during your first deck pass. Alternatively, you could include some copies of Regroup or Rapid Response to give your allies more longevity.

  • With that said, Strength In Numbers actually synergizes well with your gameplan. When you're trying to keep your allies alive for the Champion trait, it only makes sense to use them for something else. Worst case scenario it draws you into your combo faster.

  • Falcon and Patriot are expensive, yes, but actually great because Rogue's statline is so solid, especially if you have Rogue's Jacket out.

  • Don't rush into the "Go for Champions!" loop in the early game. If you have the opportunity to establish your board instead, now is the time to do that. It's an expensive event, so your turns will be more efficient in the mid-to-late game if you have enough resources to play "Go for Champions!" and still do something else. It will pay off when you look at your board and you have all your resource generators, multiple allies and The Sorcerer Supreme down.

  • Rogue is quite good at status-locking the villain, so don't feel pressured to do "Go for Champions!" if stunning or confusing them will do the job just fine.

  • The Sorcerer Supreme is great here and is another payoff for The Power in All of Us. If you haven't seen either of your 2 mystics yet, it's worth keeping it in hand for the next turn. Yes, it feels bad waiting around with a dead card in hand, but the payoff is crazy, so be patient and watch out for the timing. Adam Warlock and Kaluu are here to enable this trick, but both are useful by themselves. One can make use of the extra cards you'll draw from Strength In Numbers and the other can help you find "Go for Champions!".
