Spider-Ham Just Lovely-Cartoonvley

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Methos · 320

"Or everyone’s gonna die. That is what they always say. But there’s always a little bit of time before everybody dies, and that’s when I do my best work." Spider-Ham: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Spider-Ham is just one of those heroes whom you can simply play and enjoy in any aspect. I decided to make myself a Protection deck to enjoy. The deck allows you to play in any way you fancy. I like to play it as Spider-Ham, Leader of the Web-Warriors!


Each ally has an amazing ability to help you throughout each phase and thanks to Web of Life and Destiny and Warrior of the Great Web gives you an extra +1 ATK and a card draw when they leave play. What more can you ask for? Oh... Yes, you can also play any of the expensive Web-Warriors for cheap by playing Across the Spider-Verse, because they are not strong enough already...


All the events are very cheap (with the exception of Swinging Web Pig) and versatile. You can damage, remove threat, heal, self-harm (if you are into that kind of stuff). You name it...

Where are the resource cards?

Who cares? We are in the Cartoon world now. Normal rules and necessities are overrated!


All Spider-Ham cards have the Cartoon trait. All the allies have the Web-Warrior trait. 3x Team-Building Exercise, 1x Helicarrier, Avengers Mansion, Web of Life and Destiny all the Toon counters you want... Oh, there are my resources. So, I can play any card I want 8-)


Down Timeand Endurance are there just to boost the Recovery as it is beneficial not just for health regen... Cartoon Power is Cartoon Power... "No one ain't stoppin' it".

And Symbiote Suit is a MUST in this deck. The card provides a massive boost and the deck has so many ways to mitigate the extra encounter card... The deck has "I Don't Think So!", Cartoon Physics, Spider-Tingle. Just Lovely-Cartoonvley.

“That’s all folks!”