Avengers Forever

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wooddawg · 1

The idea of this deck is to play as many Avenger allies as you can and to keep them in play as long as possible using upgrades Inspired and Reinforced Suit alongside Team Training and Inspiring Presence.

To help pay for the allies I've included 3 copies of Quinjet, Avengers Tower, Helicarrier, and Team-Building Exercise. Regroup and Rapid Response will also help to keep your allies in play.

Black Panther will be able to take hits to protect his allies and then heal using Vibranium Suit or flipping to alter-ego when needed. Also using his own upgrades he will be able to help in any way that is required of him.

If you find you self with a nice compliment of allies I've also included the 41st card of the deck Mass Attack for a devastating blow to the villain.

Avengers Forever!