Spider-Man - Pinpoint

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


sHaving played with Pinpoint some, I have begun to see some real potential with them. This deck is trying to maximize their benefit.

The first goal of this deck is to get Pinpoint into play. If they are not in your opening hand, mulligan the entire hand to get to Pinpoint as fast as possible. Champions Mobile Bunker can be used if you have bad luck in the opening draw to speed up locating Pinpoint.

Once they are in play, your goal is to use them once per turn to return cards to your deck. Every update card in this deck (except for Deft Focus) can be cycled back into your deck once used up. The same goes for all of the allies and the Med Team. Events cannot be affected since they never technically are put "in play".

Ghost-Spider and Ironheart both provide card bonuses when either played (Ironheart) or lost (Ghost Spider, double if you get Web of Life and Destiny in play). Pinpoint can then return them to the deck to come back into play and do it again.

Team-Building Exercise and Deft Focus are there to allow easier repeated play of allies.

Like Pinpoint, Spider-Man Noir is also intended to stay out as long as he can once played. Spider-Tingle will allow you to ignore Treacheries and use them to power him up (then get returned to your deck with pinpoint), then Med Team can heal him and keep him active (then return Med Team to the deck when used up with Pinpoint). There is also one Return the Favor that will allow you to force a failed Treachery once Noir and Spider-Tingle are both in play, then recover the Spider-Tingle with Pinpoint.


Oct 19, 2022 mrcaos · 1

I thought pinpoint couldn't affect events

Oct 20, 2022 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 958

It doesn't say that on Pinpoint's card. I did some searching and it turns out that while events are placed in the play area, they are not "in play". So Pinpoint cannot affect them. I will modify my strategies accordingly. Thanks for drawing my attention to this.