Big Steel Boy Scout

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

berettabeast · 63

This multiplayer justice deck is designed to help mitigate Colossus' greatest weakness. Most would say that's thwarting but it's actually piercing.

This deck attempts to make Colossus playable in even scenarios like Crossbones or Ronan who have high amounts of piercing.

Lay Down the Law is a really efficient thwart card that you will be able to use frequently if you're flipping to shuffle armor ups into your deck with Pioter's ability. Mutant Peacekeepers is another really efficient card which is why we're including some good X-Men allies to allow for some more consistent thwarting. But the card that makes this deck work against piercing enemies is Great Responsibility. This card allows Colossus to get great use of his tough status card(s) even when an enemy has piercing. Often it will be used on the step 1 villain phase escalation which gets bigger and bigger as the game goes on but another way to use it would be to flip down with another player, and if you draw into a great responsibility and armor it, you can armor up during your teammate's villain activation and use it to mitigate that entire scheme activation.