Cyclops - X-Men Gold

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Cyclops - Solo / Multi - Justice - LEADER DES X-MEN 0 0 0 1.0

ClassyRobot · 5518

Many decks and concepts for Cyclops focus exclusively on his ability to bring multiple aspect allies. While that's exciting, many overlook the fact that Scott can "OPTIC BLAST" for some serious damage and even otk if you can find Full Blast at the right time. This deck aims to combine both of his strengths to make a Character worthy of the title Field Commander

How can we accomplish both? Easily, with massive card draw. With Cerebro out, in addition to your Alter Ego action, it’s not uncommon to flip to Hero form with 8 cards in hand(!) add a One Way or Another and you’re looking at a round of solid thwarting, an ally, and some hefty Pew pew from your eyeballs. Having access to 3 psychics helps ensure you get the ally you want with Cerebro.

Now, admittedly, Befuddle is 95% of the time a free resource. It is the worst tactic of Cyclop’s pack by a few miles, but that makes the decision making easy. If you already have a Cyclops tactic in hand, AE action for one of these and at least it turns into free 3 damage. It can be ok in some spots, but you can also nerf your team when they have to use their thwart to hit a minion. However, Being able to flip to AE, grab an extra resource for an ally and play them that turn and THEN next turn have at least 7 cards to flip back up? Pretty massive.

All in all, I’m really enjoying Cyclops. He’s incredibly versatile, and can adapt to any situation. Some notes:

1) He arguably has the best obligation in the game. Unless you already have the visor out it’s a huge positive.

2) the mvp’s of his kit is definitely Tactical Brillance and Jean. Rocket Beam gets an honorable mention at the right time.

3) Full Blast early on can be really tempting, but just remember Jean can fish it from the discard pile when you’re set up to go.

4) As fun as taking the visor off for a full blast is, nothing is more thematically pleasing than a full team of mutants finishing the villain off with Exploit Weakness. 15/10 finish is the aforementioned and then telling them to “Get off your lawn”

5) this deck was made to be thematic with X-men, justice has the usual amazing go-to’s for Allies you can sub out

6) I’m trying to find space for Chance Encounter to recur Jean, but so far it’s been inconsistent.

Thanks for checking this out!


Nov 15, 2022 Kenji · 15

Utopia is insane with cyclops and Forge can be good now for him!