Colossus - Perfected

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Colossus - Less Than Perfect 0 0 0 1.0
Colossus - Precon perfeccionado 0 0 0 1.0
Colossus Ready 0 0 0 1.0
Colossus Ready 0 0 0 2.0
Colossus Ready 0 0 0 3.0
Durísimo 1 0 0 1.0
Colossus - Perfected 0 0 0 1.0
Tu siempre fuiste, DURO de pelar ♪ [Evento LMDT@BGF] 2 1 0 1.0
I have balls of steel 2 0 0 4.0
Colossus 0 0 0 2.0
Coloso y Rondador 0 0 0 1.0
Colossus Prot 0 0 0 1.0
Colossus Tough (and X-23 ATK) 4 3 0 2.0
Colossus Ready 2 1 0 4.0
Colossus - Power Green 1 1 0 1.0
Colossus paired with Wolverine 1 0 0 1.0
Perfect defense 1 0 0 1.0
Colossus Protection 0 0 0 1.0
Colossus - Perfected 1 1 0 1.0

MiguelCantillo3 · 12684

English / Spanish

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What a need to switch to a default deck that turns out to be brutal, leveraging Colossus's signature dynamic of its tough states and unique protection. The deck was tested in expert mode during the Mutant Genesis campaign and turns out to be more than impressive.

Deck Targets:

The main goal was to include the maximum number of cards that can give Colossus tough, or avoid making us lose their status cards to get the most out of the 2 copies of Made of Rage, all 2 copies of Organic Steel, all 3 copies of Steel Fist, Iron Will and Titanium Muscles.

Cards and Combos:

There is nothing better than explaining the deck through its combos:


The following cards were discarded for the following reasons:

  1. Invulnerability, although it seems to go great with this deck, personally I find it very expensive for 3 resources. It will be one of the only cards in the game that I consider useless even in the proper dynamic.
  2. Deflection and Defensive Stance, getting the hero interrupt after losing the tough state. Bad option.
  3. Limitless Stamina, this is a good option, however, I wanted to make for Anticipated Attack of less common use, taking advantage of the fact that there are superheroes with 14 health that have a higher base INT o ATK than Colossus.
  4. Subdue, could be a good option.


Thanks to Zack, fixeddice y turtles04 the 3 copies of Ready to Rumble were discarded and the 3 copies of Subdue were included. Adding Subdue resource .

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Que necesidad en cambiar de aspecto a un mazo prestablecido que resulta ser brutal, potenciando la dinámica característica de Colossus de sus estados duro y única en protección. El mazo fue testeado en modo experto durante la campaña Génesis Mutante y resulta ser más que impresionante.

Objetivos del Mazo:

El objetivo principal fue incluir el máximo número de cartas que puedan conferirle duro a Colossus, o bien, eviten hacernos perder sus cartas de estado para sacar el máximo partido a las 2 copias de Made of Rage, las 2 copias de Organic Steel, las 3 copias de Steel Fist, Iron Will y Titanium Muscles.

Cartas y Combos:

No hay nada mejor que explicar el mazo a través de sus combos:


Las siguientes cartas fueron descartadas por las siguientes razones:

  1. Invulnerability, aunque parece ir muy bien con este mazo, personalmente lo encuentro muy caro para 3 recursos. Será una de las únicas cartas del juego que considero inútil incluso en la dinámica adecuada.
  2. Deflection y Defensive Stance, obteniendo la interrupción de héroe después de perder el estado duro. Mala opción.
  3. Limitless Stamina, esta es una buena opción, sin embargo, quería dejar espacio para Anticipated Attack de uso menos común, aprovechando que hay muchos otros superhéroes con 14 de salud que tienen una INT o ATK base más alto que Coloso.
  4. Subdue, podría ser buena opción.


Gracias a Zack, fixeddice y turtles04 se descartaron las 3 copias de Ready to Rumble y se incluyeron las 3 copias de Subdue. Agregando el recurso Subdue .


Oct 01, 2022 Josebu · 1

Totalmente de acuerdo MiguelCantillo3. El único mazo que me ha gustado de verdad de Coloso, porque fue ver el mazo de OBrian que encima tiene mazo de puntos y me pareció una puta mierda sin sentido, y encima si te fijas incluye 41 cartas cuando le sobran 25...que en fin. No caí con una Dura Leccion y la verdad que es buenísima para Coloso!

Oct 01, 2022 Zack · 40

El deck tiene muy buena pinta. Un único comentario ¿ready to rumble es solo por el recurso de energía? No parece una carta que case muy bien con el héroe. Seguro que hay otras cartas como barrera de energía, primer impacto, generador de campo de fuerza, tenacidad, emergencia... que tal vez le vayan mejor, aunque yo creo que usaría limitless stanmina para llenar ese hueco.

Gran trabajo, un saludo!

Oct 02, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12684

Lo hablé precisamente con un amigo @Josebu xD, pero bueno. Seguro que lo subió con toda la ilusión del mundo, hace comunidad y también tiene buenos mazos. Pero si que estoy de acuerdo contigo porque lo comenté precisamente con un colega

Oct 02, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12684

Buenas Zack! :) No sabes el coraje que me dió al darme cuenta haber incluido Ready to Rumble sin ser una buena opción para Colossus. Efectivamente, antes que Ready to Rumble, Limitless Stamina sería precisamente mucho mejor opción.

Sin embargo, yo en lo personal creo que Limitless Stamina está muy sobreusada porque logicamente es buena, pero aprovechando que otros muchos superhéroes con 14 de vida como She-Hulk, Hulk, e incluso, Valkyrie y SP/Dr sobrepasan el ATK e INT básicas de Colossus siendo mejores opciones, había pensado en intercambiar las 3 copias por Defensive Stance con recurso energía además, y/o Deflection como mejor opción para este superhéroe.

Lo he modificado en la descripción anotándote, pero si consideras una opción mejor que otra me decanto por una carta u otra, ya que Deflection me gusta en el sentido de parecerme también más temática y de muy poco uso hasta ahora.

Oct 02, 2022 fixeddice · 10

Unfortunately tough timing takes place before any damage dealt mitigation can be done, same problem that Groot has. You can’t “prevent 3 damage” to maintain the tough because as soon as the damage calculation is done the forced interrupt timing of Tough activates.

Oct 02, 2022 turtles04 · 869

Unfortunately Defensive stance will not prevent tough from being removed. Tough is removed first :(


Oct 02, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12684

Muchas gracias chicos! :) @fixeddice y @turtles04. Os anoté en la descripción y gracias! Pensé que lo habían cambiado en las FAQ's según había creído leer. Lo he modificado e intercambiado por Subdue, por no utilizar Limitless Stamina, evitar perder el estado duro y aprovechar el recurso energía.

Oct 02, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12684

Thank you so much guys! :) @fixeddice and @turtles04. I wrote you down in the description and thanks! I thought they had changed it in the FAQ's from what I thought I read. I have modified it and exchanged it for Subdue, for not using Limitless Stamina, avoiding losing the hard state and taking advantage of the energy resource.

Oct 04, 2022 jdmaze · 7

Nightcrawler has the same problem if you intend to use his ability to prevent the tough from being removed. Status cards take precedence to all other similar abilities. RRG page 29 Status Cards.

  • " • Status card abilities have timing priority over all conflicting card abilities."

Oct 04, 2022 Gracchus · 1

From the « rulings » section of all of heroes :

« Do cards that have a constant ability that reduces the damage that character takes, like “Victor mancha” “wide stance” and “kree combat armor” have priority over a tough status card? And I’ve seen a ruling that you couldn’t use “aerobatic move” because it couldn’t change the game state against two “wide “stance” but say you use your basic ATK power which isn’t tied to the game state change rule like abilities are and attack for 2, do you knock off the tough status or is the damage reduced first and no damage is done so the tough remains? 2.Can you overpay for the leadership Ant-Man ally with “make the call”? We’re not sure after seeing a ruling about “moon girl” being limited to drawing 3 cards but we don’t know if its different if the card specifically references that you overpay. overkill damage from an attack or its own keyword source of damage?

  1. In the situation described, Tough has priority over those damage-reducing abilities. Tough blocks damage you “would take”, and the cards mentioned block damage you “take.”

  2. You can “overpay” for Hank Pym if using Make the Call, because when paying for a cost you can always generate additional resources, and Hank Pym specifically enables you to “use” those overpaid resources to give him HP. The difference between him and Moon-Girl is that resources you overpay for her don’t count toward her cost.

  3. Overkill damage is considered “damage from an attack.” It’s just not considered its own, separate attack against you.

What about a Tough status card and effects that cannot take damage? Like “kang’s dominion” side scheme or the “go for champions” event card? Is that different?

After re-examining “Tough,” we are now ruling that if damage that would be dealt to the character is reduced to 0, Tough will remain on the character. This should be more empowering to players, but for consistency, the same will have to apply to enemies. So, that means that if “Kang’s Dominion” is in play, and Kang has Tough, he will keep Tough even if card effects would otherwise try to deal damage to him. Similarly, if “Go for Champions!” is in play, any characters with the Champion trait that have Tough will keep Tough since they cannot take damage that round. This will overturn the previous ruling made below, at least when it concerns Tough status cards. Hopefully this ruling is more intuitive than before. -Alex »

The latest half of that sample is from September 22nd so it’s pretty fresh. Would it not suggest that the initial idea of the author of this deck now works ?

Oct 04, 2022 Gracchus · 1

I of course meant « hall of heroes » sorry about the typo

Oct 04, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12684

Exactly `@jdmaze. Do not change it yet a little by theme. I was then using it to reduce the damage to Polaris when defending, but it would have to be exchanged to Nightcrawler for some other one who is better coupled

Oct 04, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12684

@ Gracchus Thank you very much for your comment and you clarify.

I understand then that regarding tough state charts is still under review, right?

Oct 04, 2022 Gracchus · 1

@MiguelCantillo3 The part that starts with « we are now ruling that… » is from end of September where what’s before was from June. To me it would suggest that the review is over and that the new ruling is that when damage that would be dealt is reduced to 0 (through defensive stance for example) the tough status card can remain.

Oct 04, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12684

In the FAQ's it is stated that if it is reduced to 0 through its defense it will stay tough, however it still doesn't say anything in case of an interrupt. I will try to report it and be able to confirm it. Thanks for everything!

Oct 12, 2022 Gracchus · 1

@MiguelCantillo3 162 – If your hero has a Tough status card and you are dealt damage and you use an interrupt ability that prevents damage like the event card “side step”, and it’s enough to prevent all of the damage, would you keep the tough status card? Yes; if you were Tough and the target of damage, but managed to prevent all of that damage, you would still keep Tough. (We have ruled differently on this in the past, but this is our current ruling.)

-Alex – October 6, 2022

We now have an answer !

Oct 15, 2022 MiguelCantillo3 · 12684

Thank you very much for the update @Gracchus :)

Nov 21, 2022 vailimo · 1

Also @nightcrawler is always useful by defending with him or other X-men ally. His response triggers out of ANY x-men character receiving dmg not only the hero. So you always can defend with Nightcrawler himself, and when hi is going to take dmg use his interrupt to return himself to your hand avoiding the dmg.

Or if you have Rockslide in the deck and in play, defend with him for the retaliate and use Nightcrawler to avoid him any dmg.

Aug 23, 2024 matt_cullens · 1

were there any considerations for limitless stamina or unshakable?