I'm with you 'til the end of the line (Cap/Leadership)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

choirmage · 26

If there is one thing Steve Rogers is known for, it is his loyalty to friends. The leadership aspect may be the most thematic to this MCU icon and his skills shine in this deck -- play a bunch of awesome allies and win!

The allies really carry the day here with great enter play abilities: Falcon for thwarting and scrying, Maria Hill for card draw, Agent 13 for thwarting, and Mockingbird for stunning. Lead from the Front and Avengers Assemble! make them shine with stat bonuses, and Make the Call brings them back once they hit your discard pile. The Triskelion is a cheap way to get that extra ally slot that is so valuable in this deck.

Resources are plentiful (2x The Power of Leadership and 2x Super-Soldier Serum) in order to keep pumping out the friends. Strength In Numbers can be used to great effect, especially when combined with Avengers Assemble! And if you can time it well, you can enjoy the cost reduction from Steve Rogers plus a bonus card/heal from Steve's Apartment.

Oh...and tossing the shield around is pretty fun too!

Special note -- 2x Honorary Avenger goes on Cap to increase his hit points and thin the deck.

This deck cruised to victory in all six solo games played so far, including two games against each core set villain in standard mode.