SCL1202 - Digging for Pheromones

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
SCL1202 - Digging for Pheromones FINAL 0 0 3 1.0

josseroo · 702

Deck for Solo Champions League - Season 12, Round 2

  • Ebony Maw + Galactic Artifacts + Armies of Titan (09/04/22-09/17/22)
  • Difficulty: Standard
  • Hero: War Machine, Spider-Woman, Thor, Rocket Raccoon, or Spectrum
  • Aspect: All Basic
  • Campaign Elements: "Secure the Landing Pad" Side Scheme in play


  • Pheromones is you best friend because the replacement effects on Ebony Maw's activations prevent his spells from counting down.
  • The impact of keeping your deck down to 40 cards is higher than average because a lot of Spider-Woman's kit is built around playing aspect cards, and there are only 8 in the deck with no opportunity to add more because it is an all-basic round.
  • Deft Focus has 9 targets and thus roughly equivalent in effectiveness to Finesse in this build
  • Jessica Drew's Apartment will whiff a lot because there are only 8 aspect cards in the deck