Ready for She-Hulk (Smash the Problem)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jfrank · 1


Every turn you are maximizing your draw and trying to ready and damage the Villian as much as possible. No Thwarting, No Minions.


This is a very damage heavy and efficient deck that provides the villain minimum turns reducing the number of the encounter cards that are ever seen and preventing a heavy build.

This deck came to be after watching the premier of She-Hulk on Disney+ AND struggling in Solo and 2-Player to beat Red Skull with S2E2, State of Emergency and Running Interference. This Combination turns the balancing of the side scheme deck into a nightmare of when reveled effects which just piled on turn after turn. Result in Solo was a 4 turn victory with 5 cards left in deck, 2 health remaining, 3 allies and 20+ damage on last turn including Gamma Slam.

Queue She-Hulk.

Readying She-Hulk

The focuse is to inflict damage over and over with Limitless Stamina, Ready to Rumble, and One-Two Punch.

Draw Power and Allies

She-Hulk can be slow to draw with only a Hero hand-size of 4, but this deck doesn't have time to set up. Instead, it relies on the allies to not only increase draw power, but also cycle through the deck to find the cards you need to ready. Three allies in the deck are versatile. Hellcat can be bounced back after thwarting or attacking to provide that extra resource. Lockjaw can be a buffer for attacks when you didn't pull an ally and you have a Power of All of Us to spend.

The Start

If you can early first hand draw into Focused Rage or Deft Focus, those will be your only real set up cards. If you can get Lockjaw into the

The Finish

Your allies will mainly be around one turn to act as card draw and reduce the damage you take, as you will want to soak up any damage from second/third attacks or minions. You want to time the ending to get Gamma Slam in your hand when the villain is in stage III, so you may need to flip once to both increase your draw.

Other Thoughts

Overall, there are a few villains this rush/no thwart technique may not work on (Rhino :P), but this was a fun deck to play against A difficult Red Skull that several other justice and leadership focused heros trouble. This was a couple revisions to streamline this deck including removing buffs like Moxie, Morale Boost, Avengers Mansion and getting the right allies on board.

There are build thoughts which were considered:

1) Specific to the Red Skull run, especially with State of Emergency Side Schemes, like Honorary Avengerto be a tart 2) I took out several several healing items like Endurance, Crew Quarters, and Down Time because there was both no room AND they were too much set up that were not focused on readying. She-Hulk already has a 5 recovery and Ready to Rumble can be used in a pinch to let you recover your health and then flip to be ready for action. 3) Power Man and Last Stand are included as efficient damage buffs. These 4 cards could be played with, but in the leadshipset, a zero cost / three damage card is great and coming in handy when its late game or when you are punching against retaliate that is going to knock out an ally anyway, especially as late game damage to get you over the edge. 4). Unshakable is included as a quick shed of any stun condition to keep you focused on damage. 5) Timing your flips to effectively use any margin left on the schemes.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy it!. Can't way for more of the She-Hulk Series

Initial Publish: August 19 2022