With A Little Help From My Friends - Ally-based-

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SwabTheDeck23 · 1

The primary goal here is to setup a small economy with super serums and supports. The large amount of no-cost cards make for great resources for a cheap Shield Toss or to send out your allies as fast as possible while you draw for crucial support cards. United We Stand is pivotal to keeping allies around for another attack next turn, and with Goliath's action + Last Stand, you can dish out up to 8 damage with him alone essentially for free, and call him back shortly after with a Make the Call. Depending on the villain or set, it may be a good option to swap Inspired out for Get Ready to make Goliath do 10 damage in a turn or provide more utility for your allies.

Another possible revision would be to swap out Inspired for Earth's Mightiest Heroes allowing you to attack with Goliath's action for 5, play E.M.H. to exhaust Cap, ready Goliath again,then use Last Stand on Goliath to swing again at 8 damage for a total of 13 (!), finally then discarding to ready Cap. And this could happen multiple times (on following turns, see Goliath's action rules) thanks to Make the Call basically allowing you to reanimate Goliath later. Add in the fact if Mighty Avengers is on the field, it could be up to 15!

Be sure to comment with any potential tweaks, as this is my first published deck and I am by no means great at this just yet!