Spider-Ham - Taking a beating

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


First try at a Spider Ham deck. I really like how he plays.

This deck is structured around taking as many hits as possible and reducing the damage (hopefully to just 1 point). When you get low enough on HP, you flip, do a big heal and come back for more.

By using Defiance and Preemptive Strike, combined with Energy Barrier, you can set the amount of damage coming in, then using the built up cartoon tokens, spend them to play or power up the other cards in the deck, or for the awesome ability to ready using Indomitable and Organic Webbing.

My favorite find in this deck is how well Nova pairs with Spider-Ham. Since Spider-Ham wants to take the hits himself, Nova can stay in play and hand out 2 points of damage with each incoming attack. He can pay for this with either the numerous energy cards in the deck or with the cartoon tokens.

It's a fun deck, and played well in multiplayer.

Passed: Expert Drang w/Iron Spider Sinister Six (multiplayer)