Iron Foil

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ghoti115 · 1

This deck is built around delaying schemes, scheme prevention, and thwarting.

Under Surveillance, Emergency, Foiled!, and Beat Cop help to prevent the main scheme from being completed even when you're in Alter-Ego. This lets you take advantage of Futurist to try to find Tony's Support and Upgrades and bring them into play. Don't be afraid to discard some tech to bring Stark Tower into play, you'll get it right back.

Once you get rolling, break out One Way or Another and Followed. Make yourself and a couple other players Skilled Investigator. Then use For Justice! and Clear the Area to clear the Side Scheme and draw some cards.

Try to get as many cards with Mental and Physical resources as you can into play before using the Repulsor Blast.

Once you're suit is fully built you'll be able to get Spider-Man into play to take care of some massive thwarting in a multi-player game.

Or get Aerial and use the Iron Man armor to it's full effect and then play Yaw and Roll and Supersonic Punch. Iron Man should be able to deal 4 damage and clear 4 threat minimum each round without much trouble by spending a single mental resource, even more if the Arc Reactor is in play.