The Teacher Who Could Still Do It

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Illy1612 · 7

Let's Do This One Last Time...

Peter Parker has had a difficult life, one that being a core box hero hasn't helped him out with. His already somewhat unremarkable performance has only fallen even further out of favor over time, with other heroes like Agent Venom pretty much doing everything he does, but better, and on top of that, people STILL keep forgetting the hyphen between "Spider" and "Man"! Now, with two fresh and young spider-themed heroes in the spotlight after the release of Sinister Motives, one might be led to wonder whether Old Man Parker should simply stay at the retirement home and let the new generation take care of the reemergence of his rogues gallery.

-Yet, with great power must also come great responsibility, and someone has to watch out for those crazy kids.

This deck is intended to be played either solo or in two-player alongside Aggression Miles or Protection Gwen, but is entirely functional in other contexts. Tested vs. Expert Mutagen Formula (Solo + Two-Handed), Expert Ultron (Solo + Two-Handed), and more. Note: Your mileage may vary. Parker Industries is not liable for any damages caused by getting Black Cat turned into an Ultron Drone.


In this deck, Peter is given the tools to deal with almost any situation he might come across. Stealth Strike helps with clearing minions, something he normally struggles with, and combines with classics like Clear the Area and For Justice! to keep main scheme threat low and side schemes off the board. Basic resource generators, Web-Shooters, Spider-Sense, and even his AE trait all combine to give Peter the resources to play his more expensive cards, allowing you to slow down the villain with Webbed Up or give 'em the old Swinging Web Kick as needed.

The deck is very easy to use and fairly simple, but that's by design. Use Pete's access to high amounts of resource generation to get supports up fast, and then use those supports to play multiple events every turn to keep the situation under control. Ideally, you want to end your first turn with at least one support on the board (Even if it's Aunt May), so mulligan for one of the four if you didn't get any in your opening hand.


  • Sonic Rifle is extremely important (though less so if Miles is on the scene. These kids and their invisibility powers...), allowing Peter easy access to on-demand confuse. With it online, Pete can flip to AE for a nearly-full heal from Aunt May whenever he needs to, keep the villain confused to dodge random Advance flips, or against certain Symbiote-based villains with Steady, make sure that they're only ever 1 status card away from confusion. His resource generation makes these easy to pay for, and teammates will thank Mr. Parker for allowing them to flip to AE with little to no consequence. Obviously loses value against Stalwart villains, so swap these out for an Under Surveillance and a 6th ally, or something, if you need to.

  • Sense of Justice makes your Thwart events cheaper while also guaranteeing the kicker on For Justice! Nothing flashy here, just additional resource generation to go with your resource generation.

  • Skilled Investigator is nice to have but not a necessity. Free extra cards whenever you get rid of a side scheme, but also a good target for Caught Off Guard or other card effects that force you to discard an Upgrade, as opposed to more useful upgrades.


  • Aunt May is easily the best Aunt in the whole game.

  • Avengers Mansion gives Spidey a 7 card hand, but also lets you "fix" other players hands by giving them another draw. It and Helicarrier allow Spidey to potentially play big turns with multiple Swinging Web Kicks, but also allow you to support the heavy-hitters at the table by enabling some big combos that they might not normally be able to do.

  • Quincarrier sure is another resource generator. Use it to play your other resource generators, play your other resource generators with it, or even clear attachments with it. Having this + the other generators on the board often gives Pete enough resources to play his entire hand and still give Helicarrier and Avengers Mansion to his teammates.

Spider-Man's Amazing Friends

Allies in this deck are very flexible. Peter's high defense and access to Backflip means he doesn't necessarily need to play cheap blockers like Eros. The high amount of resource generation in the deck means you might even want to run some more expensive classics like Daredevil to help keep threat (and minion health) down. Change the allies based on your preference, on the identity of Spidey's current partner-in-crimefighting (or the lack thereof), and the encounter you're up against. With that said, you're pretty much always going to have:

  • Black Cat: Helps Pete handle minions, and put consistent chip damage on the boss. With the sheer number of cards in the deck, there's a good chance you'll get lucky with her.

  • Nick Fury: Needs no introduction. The Power in All of Us and resource gens make it easy to play Nick whenever you draw him, increasing the odds that you'll have whatever cards you need to deal with whatever's in front of you.

  • Mockingbird: Who needs Venom Blasts?

Even though Pete's age is more than showing at this point, this deck allows him to consistently contribute to the cause by fixing whatever has need of fixing, letting your teammates more or less safely do whatever they need to do, or making sure Pete can stay in control if he's alone.