My best Star-Lord deck - Vietnamese

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

vizhong · 8

General Review:

This deck is incredible strong when you get the combo (explained below). It works well in both Solo and Multiplayers gameplay. You can become the carrier for team and support the team in some cases as well.

Main strategies:

  • Spamming Ally every turn and use them to defend against any attacks from enemies.
  • Saving Regroup to use once each turn. Combine it with Nick Fury & White Tiger to make each turn become broken with drawing a lot of cards.
  • Using Blaze of Glory to make incredible turn with a huge damage or threats removal.

Detail playstyle:

1/ In few first game turns, by using Star-Lord ability try to put down some importants upgrades and supports whenever you have them on hand, such as: Star-Lord's Helmet, Leader of the Guardians,Knowhere,The Triskelion,Team Training. You maybe don't need Element Gun in the early of the game with this deck, just put down maybe 1 gun when you have excess resources. With 1 gun you can easily kill most of minions in this game.

2/ Try to keep Regroup on hand whenever you draw it. Then the game become broken when you draw White Tiger or Nick Fury. I will explain why:

The 1st crazy combo: On each turn which you have Nick Fury on hand, activate Star-Lord ability to get 1 encounter card & reduce the cost of next card you play on hand by 3 and pay 1 more resources to put down Nick Fury. In this case, you will have 1 strong ally for attack/thwart + use him to defense against attacks + draw 3 cards with just 1 encounter and 1 resource. (You can even draw 4 cards if you had Knowhere thanks to Star-Lord ability which make his allies have Guardian traits). Then you put down the regroup => And the combo starts. (you can also use this combo with White Tiger) => "imagine when you have both Nick Fury and White Tiger on hand, you will draw 6 to 7 cards per turn easily with this combo, Band Together, "Welcome Aboard"" In villain phase, use Nick Fury/White Tiger/Maria Hill to defense against attack (Nick Fury be always priority). With Regroup, these allies will go back to your hand and you can make the above combo again and again => well, this is not convincing because there are only 3 copies of Regroup?. Don't worry, then you have Make the Call and Band Together and "Welcome Aboard" to summon Nick Fury again until you draw back Regroup and continue this combo. WHen you completed putting down your upgrades and supports, I think you only need to recycle about 20 cards. And you draw 6-7 cards per turn (not include the cards you refill at the end of hero phase) => The chance you draw back Regroup really high.

* The 2nd crazy combo: When you had 5 allies in play (easily when you use 1st Combo), Use Blaze of Glory to make each of your allies increase stat to 5 THW and 4 ATK. THen you can have a turn with 20-30 damage or 25-35 threat removal or some damage + some threat removals. At the end of your turn, you can flip your identity to ALter-Ego then your allies lose Guardian trait and they will not take damages from Blaze of Glory. => Crazy, right?

Side benefits of this deck:


  • Strong Carry (Huge damage and threats removal)
  • Draw a lot of cards each turn (which make you have more resources or more options).
  • When you get full stuffs for this build, you will not turn to Alter-Ego often because you rarely receive damages.
  • Can support and combo with other aspects to make a super turn.


  • Tough starting (sometimes you will be living on the edge :D ).
  • High ATK Overkill enemies.
  • You bring more risks to team cause you draw 1 extra encounter almost every turn.