Black Widow Justice - Alpha Build

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jammer134 · 4

My first attempt at deckbuilding. Using a several cards to help with paying for cards such as Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier, Helicarrier, Enhanced Awareness & Physique. Meditation can greatly help deploy some of those high cost cards. Not all preparation cards that BW can use are here. I took them out because I don't see their effects that useful such as Spycraft and Espionage. Under Surveillance is a very useful card to increase the target threat value by 4 (and if playing solo - that's huge). Sure it's more that 40 cards, but all of them can be useful. Love to hear you thoughts!


Mar 05, 2022 Frenky_fisher · 9

not bad for first time...u would need some testing to see what fits and what not but i will tell u consistency is everything so going to 40 is no brainer for natasha bcause she is not known for diging through her deck as quickly as some other heroes, that being said she does have some other tricks in her sleeve u can use -3 Stealth Strike -3 Followed -2 Target Acquired -1 Enhanced Awareness -1 Enhanced Physique -1 Counterintelligence -1 Quincarrier -1 Spider-Man

and i would add

natasha is so strong in utilising meditation so going the route of confusing and threat prevention (safe house>counterinteligence with both gauntlet out) is super strong and your alies doesnt have to chump as often so they can manage board and once u have your suit out u are just blocking for yourself and atacking every turn