She-Hulk (aggression, solo, core-set)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RvdH83 · 532

This is my solo She-Hulk Aggression deck with which I beat expert Rhino and standard Klaw.

I don't think Aggression is in a good spot right now for solo play. Especially not if you combine it with a hero with a low thwart and an awkward hand size that wants to flip back to Alter-Ego mode every other turn. Threat piles up fairly quickly. The 3 ATK on She-Hulk is fantastic and Combat Training makes it even better, since you can get rid of 6 strength minions fairly easy. But that's pretty much it.

Especially Klaw was really tough and it took me several plays and a bit of luck to get past it. In the end a lucky Gamma Slam for 14 damage sealed the win.

Notable choices and thoughts:

  • 3 Helicarrier over Avengers Mansion. She-Hulk's 4 hand size is really awkward and so often enough you cannot play a 4 cost card at all.
  • 3 Emergency and 2 Chase Them Down. I know Emergency is often one of the first cards to cut, but you really need it here. Threat is just really hard to deal with in Aggression. I tried ignoring threat and going full damage, but that didn't work out either, since you need to get rid of The "Immortal" Klaw at some point. Emergency just helps here. The energy icon is also OK if you get to discard it for Hulk, the mental icon on Chase Them Down is less good. You could go +1 Chase Them Down, -1 Emergency as they're probably pretty even.
  • I’m not sure Nick Fury is worth it. It's a great card if you can play it, but often enough I just couldn't due to hand size or more pressing matters. I can see myself cutting it from this deck when new hero packs come out. The mental icon is also not really great for keeping Hulk around.

All in all I'm not really sure Aggression She-Hulk is worth it for solo play. But if you get bored with Justice and Leadership this deck gives you at least a challenge.