Black Panther Big Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ayrphish · 8

Thanks for checking out my Black Panther Big Avengers Leadership Deck!


Spend the first cycle of the deck to prioritize the Black Panther upgrades. Energy Daggers Panther Claws, Tactical Genius and Vibranium Suit. Other cards that you want to get out as second priority during this time are Command Team, Helicarrier and/or Quincarrier, and The Golden City. Third priority goes to Mighty Avengers and a second or third Command Team. While you're building this suite of cards, your allies can do some serious work. White Tiger can help accelerate with the card draw, and then do some decent damage or thwarting, especially if you got Mighty Avengers out first. Shuri can help you get pieces of the suit, but I never really need her, I prioritize the suit on the first cycle of the deck, so most of the time I end up using Shuri as a resource. Ant-Man can be quite effective if you have the extra resources. If you are unlucky and lose a piece or two of the suit, use Ancestral Knowledge to get it back from the discard. Failure to get the entire suit on the first cycle of the deck can really delay your game, so make those priorities.


This deck plays like most other Black Panther decks. You cycle through the deck to acquire the upgrades, then you use the Wakanda Forever! on the second time through the deck. The other thing this deck can do is make some massive turns with the allies. If you follow the priorities above, you hopefully have a command team or two in play, one or both economy cards, the golden city, and Mighty Avengers. Now you can do some real work.

Start as T'Challa, draw 2, have 8 cards to work with. Let's say you got (Sneak Attack, Lead from the Front, Wakanda Forever!, Goliath, and Captain Marvel. The other three cards don't matter much. Sneak attack in Goliath, and play Captain Marvel if you can afford her. Play Lead from the front. Use Goliath's ability, he attacks for 7 (Base 1, LFtF 1, MA, 1, ability 4), you use command team counter and do it again. Assuming you play Captain Marvel and flip a she does 3, then attacks for 4, use your second command team and she hits for 4 more. You use the last bit of your economy to play that wakanda forever, to do 6 damage, 1 threat, 1 heal. Then you make a basic attack for 3. In total you should do 34 damage, 1 threat removal, and heal 1 damage.

This might sound unrealistic or wishful thinking, but if you prioritize right in the first cycle through the deck, you should have all the tools. Swap Goliath with Giant-Man or power man and you're still having a pretty good turn.

Card Choices

Black Knight Playing through MTS - piercing is very valuable. Probably able to swap out if that's not what you're playing through.

Hawkeye Same story really. With a lot of minions he does some work. He can also sit on the board to thin the deck through the first cycle. And he is also a to fuel a captain marvel drop.

Stinger This deck likes allies, and she's an avenger and a

Avengers Assemble! and Lead from the Front These two are recent additions and replaced Quinjet and Team-Building Exercise. I found I had too much economy some times and quinjet never really earned it's keep. So those two got cut and AA and LFtF came in. You could probably swap these around if you wanted to. At the end of the day, the events will help with a big turn, and are while they are in the deck, just in case you drop a captain marvel.

Closing Thoughts

I've had some real success in MTS with this deck. It's a ton of fun to play, and when you have those big turns you really surprise yourself on how much you can do. Those big turns are also consistent on the second cycle of the deck. Have fun!