Spider-Man - Yondu Black Cat update

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spider-Man - Yondu & The Halloweenies (Voltron Cover Band) 4 5 4 1.0

neothechosen · 10648

This is an update on Black Cat / Yondu decks meant to abuse the no consequential DMG feature they have.

Not a new idea, altough a few newer cards can make them even stronger ( Sidearm) or help readying them (Command Team).

Make them Avengers (Honorary Avenger) to benefit from more upgrades (Sky Cycle, Mighty Avengers, Power Gloves).

Use other allies (Ironheart, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, White Tiger) to draw.

All there is to it, just a little update!


Feb 07, 2024 chearns · 7

Your mighty Avengers will only give the bonus when all of the other characters in play are Avengers. No bonus in alter ego or when ironheart, Mockingbird, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, or if yondu or black cat have yet to be honoraried. The biggest problem there is Mockingbird as by her very nature she sticks around for more than one turn. The others can more easily be played around to ensure the bonus, but even then it leads to awkward moves like attack, then pay Maria Hill and draw into an upgrade for your Voltrons.