SCL S8R5 - Rocket Raccoon vs Exp Zola/Masters of Evil

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

babycorn · 33

Final round of Solo Champions League, Season 8. Options to choose aspect.

Damage dealing events for the high health minion-heavy encounter deck, with strategy aiming for excess damage to trigger Rocket Raccoon's "Murder You!" ability.

Some risk taken when flipping over to alter-ego side or Advance, but otherwise a decent damage dealing deck.

Focused on Particle Cannon rather than Rocket Launcher as the deck allowed control of the minions rather than leaving them out, and also to continue to trigger "Murder You!".

Some redundancy in the deck (Surprise attack/mean swing/Piercing strike/Tigra were never played) but was otherwise solid enough for 3 wins.