Captain Marvel - Ally Spam

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TakeTheKTrain · 170

For Heroic Rhino maybe. I dunno.


Jun 10, 2020 Nashman88 · 22

Is there any reason you went with Make the Call? I generally find I don't use it, and I can't see that it's better here than Inspired? That said, I'm just getting into deckbuilding and haven't played any other deckbuilding LCGs so I'm happy to be proved wrong!

Jun 10, 2020 TakeTheKTrain · 170

@Nashman88 This deck is primarily for 4 person Multiplayer against Heroic 1 Rhino. I play Make the Call for Maria Hill basically any chance I get. Also, Rhino attacks a lot so allies usually only stay out for 1 turn. You won't get a lot of use out of Inspired against him unfortunately.