Spider-Woman Stunlock - SCL Season 8 Round 3

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spider-Woman SCL S8R3 0 0 0 1.0

MathyNoodles · 54

EDIT: Because I found out that The Night Nurse can't heal allies like I thought she could, I'll be redoing my games, replacing her with Defensive Training. More Tackles and Leading Blows seems pretty freakin good.

God damn, I was NOT expecting for Prot to be such a good choice with Spider-Woman especially considering the absurd amount of minion health per turn on average, but it turns out stunning the crap out of Gobby so he can't get all the extra boost minions out combined with the sheer insanity that is Leading Blow in this matchup, I was able to finish in about 8 rounds every game (except for my first official game for the round of course -_-)

GMW Campaign Cards:

Swarm Tactics = Defy Danger

Warning = Contingency Plan

Quick Tips:

Tackle, Pheromones and Iron Fist are part of the stun/confuselock strat. Definitely try to keep him stunned and/or confused whenever possible. Finesse should help you get the kicker for Tackle with no issues. There are 10 god damn minions in the deck that come into play if drawn as a boost. That's a 25% god damn chance of getting a minion during a boost. Try to prioritize getting him controlled, and ALWAYS flip if he's confused but not stunned UNLESS there are still Advances in the deck and the threat on the main scheme is over 2.

Leading Blow is absolutely fucking absurd. It boosts your attack as you're playing it, and as long as you've only boosted yourself with SW's hero ability once before playing it, you've only got a 2% chance of the card failing to deal damage, and considering the average boost in this deck is .9, this card can easily net you 4 damage and a stat boost for a god damn zero cost. I wouldn't risk using it if you attack would only be 2 after is goes off, though, so bear that in mind when playing.

Call for Aid is basically a free stat boost. You should pretty much always play it unless you know you have no Avengers left in your deck.

Hawkeye is fucking absurd in this deck. Prioritize getting him out whenever you can, he will do so much work whenever you do.

Captain Marvel is a pretty absurd ally, but she's really hard to pay for most of the time, especially considering you can't use your Finesses to help pay for her, she doesn't boost your stats, AND drawing a card on her first activation will usually be pretty moot. That being said, I'd recommend playing her if you have a double resource in hand.

Band Together is pretty insane in almost any deck that runs a good number of allies, and this one is no different. You can VERY easily get this to trigger as at least a 2-wild resource generator for ANY CARD, and getting it to generate 3 isn't as hard as you might think.

Defy Danger is also absurd for the same reason of very low average boosts being present in this deck, and considering damage is our #1 priority in this matchup, this card is just bonkers.

Contingency Plan is run for much of the same reason. Since the resource split is pretty even in this deck, this card will very easily net you 3 damage. Again, 0 for 3 and drawing you a card is insane value, especially when we really need as much damage as possible.


Oct 20, 2021 abrannan · 1

"GMW Campaign Cards:

Swarm Tactics = Defy Danger

Warning = Contingency Plan"

Does this mean that you should swap the associated cards if you're using the Marketplace cards from GMW?

Oct 20, 2021 MathyNoodles · 54

@abrannan Exactly! This deck was created for a challenge that included the use of 4 units worth of GMW market cards. If you want to try this deck and are not playing GMW, you should remove Warning and Swarm Tactics.

Oct 20, 2021 abrannan · 1

I'll confess that I copied your Capt. Marvel deck for the last round of the SCL, but forgot to put in the marketplace cards.