Dance of Death

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lessismoriarity · 59

This deck is built on setting up late game Jarnbjorn triggers using the attack keyword in some of her preparation cards to deal massive damage to the villain in the villain stage.

My first dozen or so games with Black Widow led me to believe that her aspect has less impact on her play style than most of the other heroes. The preparation cards give her an unprecedented amount of control of the scenarios regardless of aspect choice, so I feel the best option is the one that covers her biggest weakness: damage output.

Between Jarnbjorn, Counterattack, Attacrobatics, Widow's Bite, and her hero ability, Black Widow can do significant damage in response to villain attacks, multiplying the effectiveness of her built in defensive abilities.

In this build, Dance of Death becomes a signature finishing blow akin to Gamma Slam or Energy Channel, providing 3 Jarnbjorn triggers and the potential for 12 damage.