Thor Interrogates Aggressively

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jammydude44 · 34

Time to hunt down those minions and shake 'em down to see what they know!

This Thor solo deck focuses on, of course, damage dealing, while making the most of his power to draw out minions and remove threat. Ultimately the aim is to use Defender of the Nine Realms every time you see it, as well as Angela, to fuel as much card draw in the player phase as possible. Threat control comes with the natural 3 threat removal from Defender of the Nine Realms or by banishing the minion to where it came from using Into the Fray, with Lady Sif, Star-Lord and Bug mopping up the rest.

Getting Thor set up quickly is important as well - especially for games that might last a little longer. 2 copies of Team-Building Exercise are included and are really important in getting out the many Asgard traited upgrades and supports in play, as well as providing a discount to the Avenger & Asgard allies in the deck. Getting one out early to help you set up is great, getting the second in play means you can play 2 allies per turn from the mid-game onwards.

Having a second weapon out with Jarnbjorn is useful for the extra 2 point of damage but also great extra target for "Fusillade" should Mjolnir not be in play (or allowing two plays of it on the same turn).

Finally, some underrated allies in Bug, Spider-Girl and Star-Lord. Bug provides a consistent 1-thwart and should get a lot of healing if you use Thor's basic attack frequently (which you should be). Spider-Girl offers great control if you pull a nasty minion from the encounter deck, allowing you potentially the space to flip back to Alter-Ego even with a high-scheming enemy in play. Finally, Star-Lord has great stats for his cost, and the extra encounter card can potentially give you more card draw if it is a minion.

This has been a fun and thematic deck, as the Asgardians, Avengers and Guardians come together put an end to the villain's plans.