Thor Solo Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Peekay · 8

Solo aggression Thor deck.

Deck looks to tie in similar traits to get discounts while still be able to control minions, threat and damage. Try not to return to alter-ego very often. Play upgrades and support to thin deck and by second pass playing the heavy hitting events.

Still reliant on minions being in the encounter deck as most of the thwarting is either Defender of the Nine Realms or Looking for Trouble.

Try to play one of each Team-Building Exercise, God of Thunder and Deft Focus to reduce the cost of other cards played. Enables plays like play Mjolnir for free or Lightning Strike for just the energy cost.

Look to Hammer Throw through a 1 HP remain minion then play Moment of Triumph to keep Thor in Hero form.

Most of the minions hit just as hard as Thor hence why there was no point in including Earth's Mightiest Heroes