

Cost: 2.

당신의 아이덴티티에게 Avenger 특성이 있을 때만 플레이합니다.

히어로 행동(저지): 주요 음모에서 위협을 2만큼 제거합니다. 주요 음모에서 위협을 X만큼 추가로 제거합니다(최대 3만큼). X는 빌런의 스테이지 번호입니다.

Wasp(와스프) #31.

Well. In the series of Avengers-only "do X more equal to the Villain's stage number", this is probably the strongest, soley by the virtue of THW costing more than ATK.

Still....sigh. Enough cards have come out that I just can't recommend this card. Let's look at the alternatives at around the same cost:

Clear the Area - Removes only two threat, but usually pretty easy to maneuver into drawing the extra card.

Crisis Averted - Costs one more, but always removes six. The mental requirement is rarely required, as Crisis icons are not particularly common.

For Justice! - the basic, core threat removal card against which all other Justice cards are measured. The mental requirement just isn't hard to fulfill, and Sense of Justice exists.

Impede - removes three threat, but refunds itself if played as the first card

Lay Down the Law - Only really works for Heroes with additional forms or that flip about every turn, but a fantastic value for the restriction.

The Avengers requirement isn't too difficult (2/3rds of all the Heroes are Avengers at this point). The amount of threat removed is nothing to write home about, only being above efficiency when facing an Expert Villain on Stage III. What really kills it is the restriction to the Main Scheme.

There are too many good thwarting cards in Justice a this point to bother including this card.

I rate this card a D: Only consider for inlcusion if you have nothing else, or you are making some kind of themed Avengers deck.

Judicator82 · 139
Might be the best thwarting event for Justice Hulk due to the physical resource, which is pretty grim. Maybe some day the card pool will expand to where he has enough other thwarting events with physical resources, but for now it's this and Multitasking. — Fry · 259

The problems with this card are that 1) it has a trait restriction but doesn't do anything special, 2) it can only hit the main scheme. So to me, it's almost always going to lose to For Justice! from the core set (or Lay Down the Law, especially for me because I like to play heroes that change form a lot). Sure, at its ceiling it can remove 5 threat for 2 resources, but if the villain has stage 3 then that means you're playing on Expert (unless they come out with a villain with more than 3 stages), and on Expert you're going to want flexible threat removal that can hit side schemes and not just the main scheme, or something with bonus effects and not just plain threat removal. So I don't think I will ever play this card.