Star-Lord Guardian Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lunarbiscuit · 59

This is a take on Justice Star Lord that is being trialed out for taking on the Collector in GMW. It is being paired up with Aggro Thor that does a great job of blowing up all the minions.

This is an alt build from Leadership Star Lord - that relies on pumping out allies, boost then repeat - which doesn't fair too great against The Collector who steals them all away.

This build has a lot of tools to whittle down threat from the main scheme to buy us time - while also being able to handle the various value side schemes the collector brings to the table.

Lay down the law is chosen over For Justice as we plan to switch between Alter-Ego and Hero a lot throughout the game - Alter-Ego acts as our protection from big nasty attacks, and filter our hand slightly for big combo filled Hero rounds.


  • Element Gun provides a consistent source of damage.
  • Beat Cops provides a consistent source of threat management.

Value Allies:

  • Jessica Jones can get up to huge thwart values
  • DD provides ping damage
  • Wiccan also provides extra damage
  • Spiderman can insta-pop side schemes
  • Agent Coulson grabs our counterintelligence for value

This is kinda tricky to pilot - you have to buy yourself enough time to afford Alter-Ego turns or high encounter card turns - while building up expensive allies