Spider-Man - Black Cat Abuse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

blvdpaperfight · 22

So the idea with this one is to make Black Cat very strong, and abuse the fact she takes no subsequent damage when attacking. Except for Nick Fury all the allies cost 2. I'm not sure First Aid is as relevant in this build, and I was considering Make The Call to be included in case for some reason Black Cat ends up in the discard. That is my only thought of a tweak currently. This seems kind of niche, but it could be fun!


Apr 30, 2020 gustave154 · 22

Hmm interesting deck but we need a more reliable way of getting Black Cat early. Still if you get her early its amazeballs