Spider-Man: Activate Instant Kill

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HeroForgeGaming · 2

So, my buddy Fitz and I were getting crushed on stream running Mutagen Formula on Expert with the Doomsday Chair modular set, and I wanted to build something that was going to not only be on theme, but also be efficient. This is that deck. I found some things that I was open to changing just because of the scenario, I didn't really get into a situation where I used Toe to Toe, and running that gave Hulk a little more fire for his discard effect which wasn't great. The key here was having Fitz able to handle thwarting while I got my board set up, then I was able to just flood with some allies and board wipe pretty consistently every turn.

Brawn is a super underrated ally that should be a staple in every aggression deck, in my opinion. He's a 3(!) cost card with 5 HP, and every time he deals a damage, he also thwarts for 1. So basically you're getting 10 for 3 cost, fantastic. I was able to get Hercules out every time he came into my hand because of minions in play with me, plus being able to use either the Spider-Man web counters or the Helicarrier and Quincarrier. Valkyrie also, great for board wipe.

This is probably my favorite deck that I've played, and it was especially satisfying being able to build it myself and not really rely on a build that someone else made, it made the deck feel more my own. Obviously there's room to grow and things that can be changed, but let me know what you think!