Rocket Raccoon: Kill ‘em All, Let God sort it out

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Papagamer72 · 1

Rocket loves to tinker but he loves to murder more.

His Cybernetic Skeleton is very nice to have in your opening draw as well as a gun.

In alter ego form, use your spent weapons to tinker. When the opportunity presents itself to flip to hero form, sneak attack is a nice surprise. In addition, downtime is always nice to have, but if you have the skeleton, it’s sometimes too much healing, so use it for its resources. You are squishy though.

The allies are here mostly for blocking. Although Hulk, Fury and Sentry pack a punch.

There is very little thwart removal so you’ll need to rely on other players for that.

In hero form, overkill minions and draw. Flora and fauna is here for partnering with Groot, but if not I would substitute for a second combat training or a skilled strike.

The deck plays fast with a very low resource curve. You will be recycling your guns frequently if you are overkilling the enemies. In order of importance for your guns are: particle cannon, rockets pistol and hand cannon.

It’s a very easy deck to pilot with card draw and recursion. Let me know what you think!