Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Teen_Spirit · 46

"THOR'S RECIPE" ('Cause even the son of a God needs some tips, now and then.)

Hey son of Odin! Are you tired of been placed on the last spots on most Marvel Champions Heroes Rankings? Well with this "recipe" you won't have to worry about it anymore! Your enemies, on the other hand, will have very good reasons to be worried...

"The Fierce Guys" (or "How to start a good Recipe")

You love Jane Foster. Well, we love her too, and the fact that Mjolnir boosts, not only yours, but hers base ATK. So, pick Jane for your crew immediately! Now, select minutely the rest of your team. Then, include a Boot Camp to give all your allies +1 ATK. (Having Jane, Sentry and Wasp attacking for 4, and Lady Sif, Valkyrie and "immortal" Tigra attacking for 3 will be bonkers good!) (Maybe add some First Aid to help keeping those fierce allies alive?)

"Yeast for the dough" (or "How to feed so many mouths!")

You'll need a good dose of yeast to make your recipe grow... And that's why you need the Carriers, Team-Building Exercise, Asgard and God of Thunder. You'll also count on your hero response "Have a Thee!" to make the dough grow faster: an ability that makes perfect synergy with Defender of the Nine Realms and Lie in Wait. But, fuelling your "asgardian spaceship" means that you'll be facing minions every time, so you'll fid a good use of Hall of Heroes to fuel up it even more (without forgetting Battle Fury to destroy, prepare yourself and destroy again!)

"The Threat Dilema" ('Cause bread can burn at the oven doors.)

Exhausting is something you should do only to show your enemies who's in charge, so you won't be using your THW and, since removing threat may be a pain in the ass for leading heroes (as sure you are), well, this recipe includes a dose of Into the Fray and You'll Pay For That, any of which can do the trick. (The former fits intuitively with your innate talent to engage minions, while the latter fits naturally with your high Hit Points and REC stats.)

"Am I strong enough?" (Piece of Cake!)

If you're concerned about your capacity to play all those self-damaging cards, remember: You're the God of Thunder! (And also remember that both, your Hit Points and REC stats, can be improved using your winged Helmet and Down Time, respectively.)

"God's Dessert" (The cherry on top of the cake!)

Wait! But you adore being the God of Thunder and hate to be forced to turn into some other god's son and, even worse, exhausting yourself just to heal some scratches, don't you? That's why Recuperation is a key of the recipe: combined with Down Time you'll be able to heal 6 damage without even releasing the villain from your arm's grip! And, if that weren't enough to be as far as possible from Odin's sight, you count on Moment of Triumph, so you can heal yourself while swepting your enemies all along your way.

Recipe's veredict: Yummy!

Meaning that following this 'recipe" you'll be able to stay in hero form for as long as you want and exhaust just for doing the God of Thunder's job and nothing less. (And finally you shall celebrate your victories on the Hall of the Heroes with all your trusty companions!)

  • And remember, Thor, son of Odin: you should always do what you do best instead of dressing in yellow (leave that for Asgard's butterflies).

Mar 28, 2021 Durand · 61

Unfortunately, recuperation is an alter-ego action, so can only be used as Odinson... it would have been way cooler if it didn't have this limitation.

Mar 28, 2021 Spectre81 · 8

Yeah. You don't even have a REC value in Hero Form. Recuperation is powerful because it allows you to tap down to take a hero action, then flip over and still heal. It's a strong enough tempo play on it's own, especially for high REC characters. If it worked in hero mode, it would not only be too good, it would also break the game rules.

Mar 29, 2021 Spectre81 · 8

Still seems like a very solid deck with some good ideas.