Quicksilver Blue Crew OTK

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Deathcombo · 14

Combo requires all upgrades, supports, and allies on the board. 3 sky cycles on 3 allies.

Max combo requires you to start in Alter-Ego.

Dream card draw sequence... Draw 6 cards:

  1. Maximum Velocity
  2. Morale Boost
  3. Morale Boost
  4. Morale Boost
  5. Strength in Numbers
  6. 2nd Strength in Numbers/DT/SC

Use Avenger's Mansion to draw:

  1. 2nd MV/DT/SC

Play Strength in Numbers to draw 6 cards by exhausting your six allies:

  1. Moxie
  2. Moxie
  3. Moxie
  4. Always Be Running
  5. Always Be Running
  6. Always Be Running

Use Alter Ego ability to discard 6 and 7 to draw 3 cards:

  1. Always Be Running
  2. Earth's Mightiest Heroes
  3. Earth's Mightiest Heroes

Now for the combo: Your hero starts with 2 attack Play MV for +2 (use 2 of 7 resources from the board) Play 3xMorale Boost for +3 (use 3 of 7 resources from the board) Flip to Hero and play 3xMoxie for +3 Discard 3xAdrenaline Rush from the board for +3 Totaling 13 damage per basic attack

Multiply by number of basic attacks: Your hero starts with 2 basic attacks (due to 1 free ready) After first two attacks, exhaust Friction Resistance for a physical resource to pay for (remember when Quicksilver readies, FR readies so you can keep getting physical resources): 3x Tenacity's from the board +3 4x Always Be Running +4 Exhaust 2 Sky Cycles to ready two allies to exhaust them to pay for 2xEarth's Mightiest Heroes +2 Totaling 11 basic attacks

So far, Quicksilver can do 143 damage by himself.

The third Sky Cycle should be attached to Ant Man, exhaust this Sky Cycle to ready Ant Man to attack for 2 more damage.

Therefore, the maximum damage this deck can output is 145 damage!

Maximum sustained damage per turn is only 4 (2x2) with this blue deck compared to my red deck 10 per turn.