Quicksilver Always Be Defending

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jiistme · 33

Quicksilver's ability to ready once per phase is exploited for defensive purposes and for burst offense in this deck. Between Desperate Defense and Never Back Down he can either defend twice or defend and stun on the Villain Phase and still be ready for the hero phase. He has a tool chest of upgrades and supports to give him bonuses for doing this. On offense he can build up a set of Adrenaline Rush upgrades. Then, when he has multiple Always Be Running's in his hand (and ideally a Maximum Velocity) he can swing for a massive amount of damage in one turn. Just in case he begins a Hero Phase exhausted, Tenacity is there to allow him to ready .